Well, it appears I may have never published this post. I sure thought so, but it was showing up in my list of posts as a "draft". Anyway...
The month of June...doesn't wait for me anymore...because it comes and goes...and every day is a different day on the June calendar. But I don't mind it at all. ~Aldo Kraas
Granny spends her last few days of summer "vacation" sewing and doing other typical teenager stuff! She misses Grandpa (Clint), but is very hopeful she will see him on the 4th of July. Paul is still an obstacle! I wish he would go on already! New guy, Leonard...doesn't have a snowball's chance!!
Tuesday, June 1, 1926
Dear Diary,
One year ago today I was beginning my career as a stenographer. I almost wish I had it to do over again.
We ironed this morning and Pauline and I worked on the quilt this afternoon and tonight. I have six rows all sewed together, that means half, and we want to finish the other half this week. Mother worked on my orchid slip today. It is good looking, too.
I got my letter but he hadn't heard about the ring yet. Honestly, I believe I wish we could get married in at least another year and I doubt if I can stand it that long. I am so afraid something will happen to cause me to lose him. Daddy left this morning.
Wednesday, June 2, 1926
Dear Diary,
I feel a thousand times better since I got Clint's letter today, but I knew I would. He said for me not to worry about the ring, that we would get another one soon. I am afraid for him to give me one and besides, I hate for him to spend so much money, so I am going to ask him not to give it to me right away. But isn't he a darling? I think he is a prince and I love him so much.
I worked on my quilt just a little bit today. Mother cut out some teds and a brassiere and made them for me. I will be fixed up after while.
I went to town tonight and Glenn Seamone tried to tell me I was married or that he thought I was. I'm not, but that isn't saying I wouldn't like to be.
Thursday, June 3, 1926
Dear Diary,
We made some blue teds today and I just finished them. Mother started to fix the hem of my new dress but gave it up in despair. She will try to finish it tomorrow.
I got letters from Clint, Lucile, and Reva Jane today. Lucile was blue and lonesome and Reva wanted me to come over. Clint was the same old dear that he has always been. I didn't find time to write to him until after supper. I went over to Border's with Lois, too, so I have been a busy woman. Pauline worked on the quilt nearly all day. At that rate, she will be finishing it instead of me. I don't care so much, just so it is done.
Friday, June 4, 1926
Dear Diary,
It is only nine o'clock, but the others are in bed and I am going soon. I am tired and sleepy. I haven't accomplished much in the way of sewing. Worked on my pink teds but ran out of lace and couldn't finish them.
Mother and the kids went to hunt gooseberries this afternoon. They didn't get many but they did bring home some strawberries.
My letter today was so good. I get crazier about Clint every day of the world.
I got a letter from Hope. It was a good one, too. She said they got a bonus, so maybe I will get mine soon. Here's hoping I do.
Saturday, June 5, 1926
Dear Diary,
I just came home from town. Reva Jane came in about nine, then we walked around and went into Watson's. Wayne was there and sat and talked with us all the time we were there. I think he wanted to bring me home but I came with Laugheads instead. I just can't help feeling sort of an interest in him. I guess it is natural after having gone with him so long, but I know I don't love him and never did.
I got my usual letter but it was rather short. Ordered a negligee and slippers this afternoon and can hardly wait for them to come.
I went down to Lois's about eight o'clock. We danced for just a little while and sang some, too.
Sunday, June 6, 1926
Dear Diary,
Just finished a letter to Hope and Joy. I wrote to Lucile and Clinton this afternoon.
Went to Sunday School this morning. Wilma came by about two o'clock then she, Dot and I went to the train. Saw Reva Jane a few minutes. After that, Dot and I walked around and spent most of the evening at her house eating strawberry shortcake, etc. We went into Watson's and Anderson's both and I think I ate entirely too much. Anyway, I feel bum right now and feel like going to bed.
Clinton told me about a date he had and it made me feel awful. Wonder if he feels that way about mine? I suppose he does, though.
Monday, June 7, 1926
Dear Diary,
I have been chasing around all afternoon and evening getting ready for Children's Day. It makes me tired to have to waste all my time doing it, but I didn't see any way of getting around it. I worked on my quilt a little bit but not nearly so much as I wanted to.
My letter from Clint was better today. He mentioned going to St. Louis and gave me a big thrill. I certainly hope we can go. Got a letter from Nola Mae this evening. I suppose she is on her way home now.
We washed this morning as usual.
Tuesday, June 8, 1926
Dear Diary,
I have been working hard on our quilt all afternoon and evening. I have four more rows to sew on, I think. Boy, but I am anxious to get it finished.
My sweet man told about taking a girl home Sunday night and it gave me the funniest feeling. I just wanted to cry. I wonder if I am jealous? I don't think that is it, but I am afraid I will lose him. I believe I would die off if he didn't love me any more.
My negligee came today and I am wearing it now. I rather like it. Mother also got a picture from Stark Bros. Mr. Hickerson told me to have it sent, before I left. Mom made me another pair of teds and a princess slip today.
Wednesday, June 9, 1926
Dear Diary,
I have been working on the puzzle (quilt) again tonight. We just have two more rows to put on. I can hardly wait to finish it.
My letter today was short but sweet. He says he may have to go to Florida without seeing me and I wouldn't be at all surprised. I want to see him so badly now that I don't know what to do. I just wonder how long it will be before I see him again?
I wrote to Miss Slayton today and told her I was planning to report for work next Thursday. She will probably tell me not to come.
We practiced for the Children's Day program and got along fairly well for the first time.
Thursday, June 10, 1926
Dear Diary,
I just came home from a strawberry social at the church. It would have been okay, but the cream was sour so I didn't enjoy my strawberries much. I did have a better time than I had expected to have.
My letter was short again today. He had a date again Tuesday night. I do believe he is forgetting his little girl in old Green City, and if he should, I believe it would break my poor heart.
I got a letter and photograph from Uncle Adam today. He has the funniest looking mustache and I don't like it either.
We worked on the quilt nearly all day and have one more row to put on. I stamped a dresser scarf today and Mother is making my dress-crab apple colored.
Friday, June 11, 1926
Dear Diary,
I finished it today and oh, but I am relieved and happy. Of course, I mean to quilt. I just ordered some embroidery floss for my dresser scarf.
I got the darlingest letter from him today and I loved it even though it was rather short.
We practiced this afternoon and got along fairly well. After that, Mother and I went to town. It has been so hot today it will surely rain or storm tonight.
I washed my hair after supper and have been visiting with Mother some since then. Got a letter from Wilma this morning.
Saturday, June 12, 1926
Dear Diary,
This is Sunday night but I forgot to write last night.
We worked hard all morning getting the cleaning done. After dinner, I got ready to go to practice but it commenced to storm so badly about three o'clock that I had to wait. We practiced a long time. I wore my new dress. I didn't get to write to Clint until after supper. I was just finishing his letter when Reva Jane came in and, well, that's the reason I forgot to write to you.
We went to town to mail the letter, also went to Watson's. When we came home we talked for a long time and I enjoyed our visit just heaps.
Sunday, June 13, 1926
Dear Diary,
I just came home from church. A Dr. Walters lectured on "Ben Hur" and I thought it was wonderful.
Reva Jane and I slept rather late this a.m. Daddy came in before we had breakfast. We were late to S.S. and then came the program. The kids got out of line and everything, but it was cute anyway. After dinner we went down to Page's after Wilma and she and Reva Jane went home on the evening train, I mean to Kirksville. Imogene came in on that train and I have been with her since then.
I guess I am going to leave tomorrow. I can't realize that it is to be so soon. I didn't get my letter today for Helen was too late. I wanted it, too.
Monday, June 14, 1926
Dear Diary,
I am in Kirksville and having a keen time. Reva Jane and Wilma are entertaining me and we are to sleep together.
I hated to leave home and Mother didn't want me to come today either, but I had promised that I would. I don't know just when I am going on to Quincy but I am anxious to see good old Lennice. I am ashamed of myself for not having written sooner.
Daddy brought me over this afternoon and I think I shall stay until tomorrow afternoon.
I got two good letters from Clint today and one from Nola Mae. I wrote to Clint this afternoon while the girls studied. We ate supper at James' tonight.
Tuesday, June 15, 1926
Dear Diary,
I am at Quincy and having a keen time. Lennice didn't get my card and consequently didn't meet me, but she seemed glad to see me again and I was glad to see her, too.
I visited school this morning with Reva Jane, Wilma and Okie. Also wrote my letter. Marguerite, Okie, Reva Jane and Wilma all came to the train with me. I hated to leave them for I don't know when I shall see them again.
Lennice wanted me to have a date tonight with Harvey's brother, Rome, so of course I did. We went to the Star and saw "The Volga Boatman". It was great. I am to go on to LA tomorrow and I suppose I shall be there when I write you again. Lennice is ready for bed, so goodnight.
Wednesday, June 16, 1926
Dear Diary,
I am back again and I was really glad to be here although I have enjoyed my vacation. It was storming terribly when I woke up this morning and it is storming now. It just frightens me so, and I jump every second or two. Boy, its close if I ever saw anything that was. I went to Cornelius's first thing this a.m. I forgot to tell you that Mrs. Cornelius died Monday noon. I felt so sorry for them. Then I went up to the College. Saw Ed the first thing. Lennice and I took dinner at Smith's and then did some shopping. Ernie took me to the train and it was late in getting here. The girls seemed glad to see me and I have been pressing clothes for the last two hours. Also finished my letter to Nola Mae and wrote to the folks.
Thursday, June 17, 1926
Dear Diary,
I was really glad to be at work again this morning. I had to take some dictation from Hickerson right off the bat and he gave me a lot of it, too. I didn't get it all out today and am afraid I will have trouble with it tomorrow. Mr. Hickerson and Miss Slayton said they were glad to see me. Jenny Lou almost ate me alive and Paul told me he was glad I came back.
I got two dear letters today from my dearly beloved. He wants me to come to Florida if he goes and sees that we can make ends meet and if we can, I almost believe I will go. I know one thing, life isn't worth living without him and that's that. Alta and I went to town to the band concert tonight.
Mr. Hickerson game me a raise. I am getting $65 a month now, or $2.50 a day.
Friday, June 18, 1926
Dear Diary,
I finished my dictation today but was slow with it. Nina said that I would have to try George Bast soon and they say he goes like lightening but he wants a private secretary so here's my chance.
My letter was rather short but I loved it just the same. I have wanted to see Clint more tonight than ever. I just felt as if I couldn't live without him another day. Alta and I went to the show and maybe that made me want him more. It was "The Woman on the Jury". Since the show, we have been cutting up and just a few minutes ago, Alta started to crying and couldn't stop. I guess she is hysterical. It nearly frightened us to death. She is sleeping up here tonight but I think she will be all right now.
Saturday, June 19, 1926
Dear Diary,
I awoke feeling happy this morning but I knew it couldn't last. Clint said that he had accepted that position in Florida and will probably have to go down without seeing me. I felt as if my very heart would break. I don't believe I can stand it much longer. I will just have to go down there, that's all.
I took dictation from Miss Slayton this morning. She went so slow that it wasn't at all hard. Ross came today and met Alta and me at town. We went riding nearly all afternoon. They are out together now and how I wish for Clint. I started to work on my dresser scarf tonight. There is so much work on it that I know it will take ages.
Sunday, June 20, 1926
Dear Diary,
This has been the longest, lonesomest day I think I ever spent and I have wanted Clint and home. Dean and I went to church this morning - at the Baptist. I went there tonight with Elsie, for lack of better company. It is awful for me to say that for she is good hearted as can be, but that's the way I feel. They had a wonderful musical program at the Baptist church tonight. Paul sang. I think he would have brought me home if he had had the chance.
My letter this morning gave me a ray of hope and I am hanging on to that for dear life. I just must see him before be goes to Florida. I wrote eight letters today. Clint's, home, Reva Jane and Willie, Lennice, Imogene, Uncle Adam, Lucile, and Dot. Didn't I do well?
Monday, June 21, 1926
Dear Diary,
I went to the show tonight with Paul. It was at the Grand Duchess and the Waiter. I laughed a lot and Paul says that is why he enjoys going with me - because I make it seem funnier to him. He was nice as could be and didn't even try to kiss me. I respect him all the more for being that way.
I worked rather hard today. Took dictation from Mr. Hickerson again this afternoon. He was nice to me, too.
My Clint said that perhaps he could come to see me next Saturday if he should have to leave soon. Oh, he must come or my poor little heart will break. Sometimes I wonder if he really wants to come. I know if he felt as I do, he would have to come, that's all.
Tuesday, June 22, 1926
Dear Diary,
Nothing very important happened today. I took dictation from Mr. Adams but didn't have any trouble with it.
I got my usual letter and one from home this morning. Pauline was very sarcastic about her barrette, so I got it ready to send to her tonight.
Irene went to town with me after supper and I got my hair cut. Since then we have been in Alta's room, I mean downstairs.
I shortened my printed crepe dress tonight. I am praying that Clinton can come for the fourth, but I am such a wicked little girl that I don't see how my prayers could be answered.
Wednesday, June 23, 1926
Dear Diary,
It is after eleven o'clock and my bed time. Alta, Dean and I have been embroidering all evening and maybe you think I'm not tired. I wonder if our sweet men will appreciate all those stitches? I got a darling letter from mine today and he says that he is going to Florida but that he is planning to see me before he goes. Here's hoping he does, for I can't stand it much longer.
Leonard Pounds asked me for a date today and is about to set me crazy. I told him that I didn't want any dates but he doesn't seem to want to take no for an answer.
Maybe Clint's mother will come with him. In some ways, I wish she would. Then again, I would dread it.
Thursday, June 24, 1926
Dear Diary,
It is after eleven o'clock again. Alta and I have been sitting out on the front porch talking about our plans for the future and everything. I am so thrilled I don't know what to do and here's hoping that I may see Clinton soon.
We went to town about nine to mail some letters. John Mayfield picked us up and took us riding, then into Bankheads. He is the craziest thing I ever saw.
Leonard Pounds called me tonight and insisted that I give him a date. I'll be nutty if he doesn't let me alone.
Clinton didn't say anything about coming in his letter today, but I have hopes that he will come for the fourth.
I took a lot of dictation from Mr. Hickerson today.
Friday, June 25, 1926
Dear Diary,
Alta, Irene and I just came home from the show. It was a double header and I liked them both pretty well. Shirley Mason in "Curly Top" and Claire Windsor in "For Sale". We went to Bankheads after work. That's the way the money goes.
I got so tired at the office today and I am certainly glad that tomorrow is Saturday. What if Clint were coming tomorrow? Wouldn't I be thrilled to a polka dot? He said this morning that he was planning to come the fourth. I get so thrilled just thinking about him, I don't know what to do with myself.
Saturday, June 26, 1926
Dear Diary,
Alta and I have been discussing our plans for next week. Just think, I wonder where we will be next Saturday night.
Clinton said he couldn't come to St. Louis until Sunday but I will be happy to be with him then.
We had a keen old time last night. Didn't get to sleep till after twelve. I went to town just after dinner and I'll be darned if I didn't go in to Michaels and buy a dress for $15.00. I should be shot for doing a trick like that. I also got some white hose. Now I am in debt again.
I got a letter from home and one from Willie today. Gee-oh, when I think of next week I get so thrilled, I feel absolutely weak. If anything happens to keep us from going, I think I'll just about die off.
Sunday, June 27, 1926
Dear Diary,
It is rather early but we are going to bed so we will get some good rest. Alta and I went walking after supper and then we went into Bankheads. I got a malted milk and a sandwich so now I feel like a stuffed toad.
My special was good this morning and I just love him to death. I can hardly wait till next Sunday. Oh, diary, it is awful. Letter from Imogene.
I went to S.S. this morning, then wrote letters to Clint, home, Nola Mae and Wilma. I slept a while this afternoon.
Monday, June 28, 1926
Dear Diary,
The whole of the Hillcrest gang went to the tent show tonight. Kell's Comedians in "Detouring Wives". It was good, all except the rotten jokes. I hate them. I took dictation in the front office today from Capt. Moore. I am getting to be "some" steno. I mean I could be if I would.
I am counting the days, hours and almost minutes until I shall see Clint. I am just almost wild for the time to come. I could love him to death if he were only here. I guess he is glad he isn't here.
Tuesday, June 29, 1926
Dear Diary,
It is so warm tonight that I am about to cook. I wish it would get cooler before this weekend. I have a notion to sleep out on the porch swing tonight.
Alta, Fredda, Nina and I just came back from the Bunte. Alta and I went down to mail our letters, met the other girls and went with them.
I took dictation from Mr. Adams and Mr. Hickerson today. Mr. Hickerson informed me that I was good looking, rather that I "am". I didn't get all of his dictation out.
I got my daily letter, one from Reva Jane, Hope and Lucile. Just a few more days and I will have a chance at happiness, I hope. I never was so anxious to see anyone before in all my life.
Wednesday, June 30, 1926
Dear Diary,
Three more nights and I will be with my sweet man - maybe. We don't have to work at all on Saturday or Monday either. Isn't that luck for you?
I had a heck of a time with dictation today. Had to take it from Mr. Howell and from Homer Reed and they were both awful.
Leonard just called and wanted to know if he could have a date tomorrow night. Said he couldn't understand why I didn't want to go - good night. I'm going to tell him to go to and stay put next time.
Got a letter from Lennice this morning. She wants me to come up for the fourth.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
I love the Texas Rangers!!!
Just a quick "break" from blogging to say:
I LOVE THE TEXAS RANGERS...Nellie Cruz, Josh Hamilton, Michael Young, Elvis Andrus, David Murphy, and the ENTIRE team are just AWESOME this year!!!! Woo Hoo!!!!!!
I LOVE THE TEXAS RANGERS...Nellie Cruz, Josh Hamilton, Michael Young, Elvis Andrus, David Murphy, and the ENTIRE team are just AWESOME this year!!!! Woo Hoo!!!!!!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Granny writes...May, 1926
"The world's favorite season is the spring. All things seem possible in May."
Granny was afraid of being laid off, but just the opposite happened. She was asked to stay with Stark Brothers, even though it wasn't really where she wanted to be. I laugh at some of the expressions and words she uses: "puffed up", "white iris", "keen", "darlingest", "big head", "thrills and heart throbs", "hot stuff". I've decided she really was a character--for instance, she lost her engagement ring, and refers to herself as "the most heartsick girl that ever lived" ... however, she goes on to say "I did manage to buy a new dress and hat, both rose colored, but I wasn't interested in them" ... she was so clever and witty.
Saturday, May 1, 1926
Dear Diary,
I was so "pre cited" today. I had the funniest feeling this morning, as if I were to be laid off. About ten o'clock Mr. Hickerson sent for me. He wanted to know what I planned to do this summer, and if they could count on me next Fall and Winter should they keep me this summer. I said I didn't intend to get married soon, if that was what he meant. He said that everyone liked my work, etc, and got me all puffed up. I am to get a vacation in June and one in August. I hate to think of having to live in this place a whole year, but I guess I can stand it.
I got the darlingest letter this morning. I wish I could see him.
Paul Reller asked me for a date for Monday night but I haven't any intentions of going. Mr. Tom called me "White Iris" when I met him.
Sunday, May 2, 1926
Dear Diary,
This has been the longest day, but I have rather enjoyed it. I got my letter about eight o'clock, and it was keen too. Lucile, Alta and I went to the Christian Sunday School. I answered my letter after S.S. Then after dinner Alta, Evelyn and I took a short walk and gathered some flowers.
Lucile, Hope, Joy, Elsie and I started to take a long hike but it commenced to rain so we didn't stay long. Had a good time at that though.
I just came home from Church, we took Jenny Lou home. The lights went out while we were there.
Monday, May 3, 1926
Dear Diary,
Lucile, Joy and I just came back from town. We went down to see the excursion boat and then we went in to Bankheads. I got three letters this morning. Clint's, Lennice and Dot. Tonight I got a letter from home. The folks were glad I am to stay, but then I suppose I am glad, too.
I wrote to Clint, Rose, and Wilma at the office today. Isn't that awful?
Where will I be this time next month, or this time next year? I wonder.
Tuesday, May 4, 1926
Dear Diary,
I went to the Circle meeting tonight and enjoyed it fairly well. I don't think I shall join it though.
I am so sleepy I can hardly see to write. I got a good letter from my sweet man. I have been so homesick for him today, moreso than usual. I only wrote one personal letter at the office. I am doing well, don't you think!
I got a curling iron, $2.60, for Pauline's birthday and wrapped it ready for mailing. I hope she will like it for it represents two days of hard labor, or part of two days.
Sent to Brown's Drug Store at Quincy for some medicine, too.
Wednesday, May 5, 1926
Dear Diary,
I have had a pressing bee tonight. I pressed everything I had in my possession, almost. I got my laundry bag this evening, my clothes are all as fresh and clean and Mother sent me some candy, too. I certainly appreciate it a lot.
I got a keen letter from Clint this morning. I have been so homesick for him and home today I didn't know what to say or do. I got a letter from Reva Jane this evening and she has so many nice things planned for us, but the trouble is I'm not going to be there. I got my invitation to the Alumni, too. I am good and tired tonight.
Thursday, May 6, 1926
Dear Diary,
I did a dumb trick tonight. Went to the barber shop with Fredda and two boys asked to bring us home. I didn't see any harm so I went. Of course, they had to go riding. A fellow named John Zuck, or something like that, wanted to kiss me and I almost knocked him cold, literally speaking. At any rate, he didn't do it. I can't bear the thought of anyone kissing me besides the one I love best.
I got his letter as usual and answered it. Got a letter from Nola Mae tonight. She is coming about the seventeenth or eighteenth. Oh boy, won't I be happy? I can hardly wait.
Friday, May 7, 1926
Dear Diary,
I have been working on my quilt tonight. Isn't that shocking? I do want to get it finished. I have been so homesick today, I don't think I can stand it here much longer. Lucile thinks she will have to leave next week and Joy quits at the office tomorrow. It will be so lonesome when all the girls leave.
I wrote to Clint and Nola Mae at the office today. Aren't I awful? I mean to write at the office.
Saturday, May 8, 1926
Dear Diary,
I just came home from town. Didn't buy much, but still the money is gone. Lucy and I went into Bankheads.
I got the darlingest letter from my sweet man this morning, and wrote to him at the office. Also wrote a letter to Mother, and didn't do a darn thing but come off and leave both of them at the office. I was so disgusted with myself I didn't know what to do. Herman Davidson was out in his car and he took us back after them. He certainly saved my life.
Idelle, Annette, and Joy were laid off this evening. If it doesn't rain, we are going to Clinton Hill to cook our breakfast in the morning.
Sunday, May 9, 1926
Dear Diary,
I did it again tonight. Paul Reller brought me home from church. What will my Clint think or shall I tell him? I am to go to the show with him tomorrow night. Some more scandal. He wanted to kiss me and I told him I wouldn't go to the show with him if he did, and I meant it, too.
We had a lovely time this morning. Cooked bacon, weiners and coffee and walked all over the hill.
I hurried back to get my letter and it was a sweet one, too. Being with Paul made me want Clint all the more.
Elsie and I went to church this morning and I wrote to Clint and Lennice this afternoon.
Monday, May 10, 1926
Dear Diary,
I liked the show very much and Paul was as nice as he could be. I don't think he will ask me for another date and I hope he doesn't.
I got my letter as usual and answered it at the office. Also wrote to the folks and lost them on the bus, but recovered them.
Got a letter from Pauline and Helen tonight. Polly was so pleased with her curling iron and the folks did go to Bethel.
We have been talking and cutting up and I am afraid we won't get to bed very early.
Tuesday, May 11, 1926
Dear Diary,
I was a good little girl tonight. We had a real party in the parlor, danced, and Evelyn played and we sang. I think everyone felt good and we certainly had lots of fun.
I wrote to my sweet man and told him about my date. I wonder what he will think about it. I dread to hear. Got a letter from Imogene this evening but I don't think I shall be in a hurry about answering it.
Had intended to get a haircut but we were having too good a time. I just couldn't leave.
Wednesday, May 12, 1926
Dear Diary,
I had intended to work on my crossword puzzle tonight but haven't done it yet. Got my hair cut tonight and took a bath. I am tired and sleepy now and really should go to bed.
I got my sweet letter and one from Nola Mae. She is coming next Tuesday. Just think--not a week to wait, but I wish it were sooner. I'm so glad she is coming I don't know what to do. Clint still wants me to come down for the barbeque and if I don't wish I could go, then I never wished anything. Oh boy! I have wanted to see him so much today. Why can't we be together? Such is life.
Thursday, May 13, 1926
Dear Diary,
I got two of the bestest letters this morning. One was from home and you may guess about the other. I answered them both at the office. Didn't work very hard today but am rather tired and sleepy.
Alta and I made out an order for material for teds and a negligee tonight. Then she, Nina, Lucile and I went to town to mail some letters. We went in to Bankheads and haven't been home long. I worked on my quilt and want to work some more before I go to bed.
Catherine was laid off today and is leaving in the morning. Silently, one-by-one --when will my turn come? I wonder.
Friday, May 14, 1926
Dear Diary,
I have been working on my quilt again - pieced four blocks. Maybe I will get it done some day, but I have my doubts.
I got a darling letter from Clint and one from Reva Jane this morning. I wrote to Clint, Gladys and Uncle Adam at the office. Won't the latter two be surprised? I wonder if they will answer them. I haven't written to Gladys since last May.
Tonight is Commencement at home. Boy, I wish I could be there. Every time I work on my quilt (our quilt), I think more than ever of my sweet man, if that is possible.
We don't have to work tomorrow afternoon and I am certainly glad of it.
Saturday, May 15, 1926
Dear Diary,
Worked on my quilt again today and when I get through writing to you, I am going to work some more. Getting Saturday afternoon off is a wonderful sensation - I like it. Lucy and I went to town after dinner and I tried to get me a new hat but I have the big head, I guess. I couldn't find very many that fit me, and none that I liked well enough to buy. I do want one though. Johnny Mayfield brought us home in the car. Oh boy, what would his Ruthie say?
Of course I got my sweet letter. Why ask? He wanted to know if I would meet him in St. Louis for the fourth. Oh boy, will I? I hope to and I want to. Got a letter from Lennice this evening. Washed my hair before I went to town. Two more nights. Then Nola Mae.
Sunday, May 16, 1926
Dear Diary,
This has been a long day but I have enjoyed it so much. My letter started the day off right for me.
I went to Sunday School at the Methodist church, and got so disgusted I don't think I shall ever want to go back.
I answered Clint's letter after S.S. and after dinner I just laid around trying to sleep.
All the other girls up here have dates tonight. We are out of luck, I guess, but no, I don't call it that. I have my own sweet man to think about. We went to Baccaulaureate services but there was such a crowd we didn't stay. Went to Bankheads for ice cream and stuff. I'm tired and sleepy and wanna go to bed.
Monday, May 17, 1926
Dear Diary,
I did it again - went to the show with Paul Reller. It was Lon Chaney in "The Phantom of the Opera". Gee, it was awful. Paul tried to kiss me again tonight but I wouldn't let him, and what is more, I don't intend to let him now or ever. Clint probably won't like it very well but he won't say anything about it.
I wrote to him at the office. Also to Reva Jane and Lennice. Just think...tomorrow night Nola Mae will be here and glad? I can hardly wait, I am so anxious to see her.
We went up to Bankheads after the show so it it rather late now.
Tuesday, May 18, 1926
Dear Diary,
Nola Mae is here and I am so happy. We have been having lots of fun, and it is bedtime now. I wish she could stay here all the time.
I didn't work very hard today, but I am rather tired. Wrote to Clint but didn't tell him about my date last night. I don't know why I didn't, but I felt as if it would be best. I wonder if I am doing wrong? Here's hoping I'm not. Paul Reller sent me a flower and note today. Thrills and heart throbs. The kids have been kidding me about him and Clint, but I don't mind.
Wednesday, May 19, 1926
Dear Diary,
I am so tired tonight and wish I were in bed asleep. I am afraid we won't get to sleep as much as I want to for Nola likes to talk too well.
I got the darlingest letter from Clint this morning. It was rather long and sweet as can be. Also got a letter from Rose.
I had a good time at the office today. Talked to Mr. Hickerson and I am to leave on my vacation May 29 and come back for work on June 17. Mr. Tom talked to me at noon. Also Paul Reller.
Lucile, Nola and I went to the park and down to Bankheads after supper. Good night, ol' dear.
Thursday, May 20, 1926
Dear Diary,
I have been having a good time tonight. We played and sang for awhile. Then Lucy, Nola Mae, Hope, Irene, Alta, Elsie and I went to town and also took a walk.
Nola went out to the office with me today and we had a good old talk. I enjoyed it so much. I got a sweet letter from a sweet man, and tried to answer it, but my answer wasn't so good. I heard a lot of things that Miss Efficiency said about me and one of them was that my work was as neat and nice as I. Oh boy! Thrills and heart throbs.
Alta and I think we are going to St. Louis about the 4th of July to meet our sweet men. Hot dog! Here's hoping.
Friday, May 21, 1926
Dear Diary,
Nola Mae is downstairs telling the girls about her trip to Europe and I was afraid I wouldn't have time to write you if I didn't slip off now. I have heard it all before anyway. She is leaving about four o'clock in the morning and I know I shall miss her.
She took me to a doctor this evening and he said I didn't need to worry about my condition. I am glad I don't.
Clint told me that he made the Civil Service Exam - made 88 and ranked fourth. I am so very proud of my sweet boy and happy about it, too.
Paul gave Lucy and me a flower and some candy at noon. Shortly after dinner, Mr. Hickerson called for me to take some dictation, and boy! I liked it. I got it all and it wasn't hard to transcribe either. I could write more but I lack time and space.
Saturday, May 22, 1926
Dear Diary,
Lucy and I just came home from town. Paul Reller met us and took us to Bunte. We had already been to Bankheads and I am about stuffed.
We got a terrible shock at noon when we came home. We found that Ruth Dawson was married this a.m. to Gentry McGruder. You could have knocked us over with a feather.
I cleaned out the dresser drawers and packed part of my things. Also washed some clothes, but didn't get to work on my quilt.
Nola Mae left on the ten-thirty train, but I didn't stay at home to see her off.
Mr. and Mrs. Baxter are gone tonight but we aren't afraid at all. Clint said he didn't know when he could see me now for he won't get a vacation. Darn.
Sunday, May 23, 1926
Dear Diary,
This has been a long day but I have rather enjoyed. it. My special came before I had finished breakfast. Alta and I have been planning our trip to St. Louis. Hot stuff. Seven of us went to S.S. this morning. Then I wrote to Clint and after dinner, I wrote to Lennice and the folks. Got a letter from Joy this morning.
Lucile and I started to church tonight, but backed out before we got there. We did go to Bankheads though. There are lots of drunks in town tonight and it is rather scary.
Last night Ruth came home after I had written to you. She looked so happy and I bet she felt that way, too. Wait till our day comes.
Monday, May 24, 1926
Dear Diary,
I had another date tonight and he was so nice. Didn't try to get at all familiar and I enjoy going with him when he is that way. The show was Douglas Fairbanks in "Don Q". We went to Bankheads after the show and my head is splitting now. Boy, it does hurt. And hot? I'm about to melt.
I got three letters this morning-one from home, one from Reva Jane, and the best one of all - my Clint's. I wrote an application and a letter to Mr. V. G. besides the one to my sweet man. A few more days and I will be home. Hot stuff.
Tuesday, May 25, 1926
Dear Diary,
We went to watch the boat excursion leave tonight and I almost wish I were going or gone, I should say. I am so tired and this room is like a bake oven. I don't believe we can stand it up here this summer.
I got a letter from home tonight and Daddy is thinking of coming down after me. I hope he doesn't for that will spoil my chances of going to Quincy. We are to get off all day Saturday so I can leave Friday night or early Saturday morning. Won't that be great?
I took dictation from Hick today and he went like lightening, almost. I didn't get it all out and I am afraid I won't be able to read the rest of it tomorrow. Clint's letter was rather short and snappy today.
Wednesday, May 26, 1926
Dear Diary,
It is rather late and I haven't accomplished much tonight either. I washed my hair right after work, then had it cut. Finished a letter to Nola Mae and went with Irene and Lucile out to Cordles. When we came back we were hungry so Irene and I went to town after some ice cream cones. I got out the rest of my dictation this morning and took some this afternoon from Miss Slayton. It wasn't half bad.
Paul sent me a rose this morning. Thrills. Got my letter, and the chances of seeing my sweet man aren't so good as they might be. I got a darling letter from Nola Mae too. She is anxious for me to come to Chicago to work. Two more nights and then - oh boy!
Thursday, May 27, 1926
Dear Diary,
Hope, Irene, Lucy and I went to the show tonight. It was sad and, of course, I cried - Claire Windsor in "The Denial".
Lucy is to be laid off tomorrow. Then we are leaving for Quincy about four o'clock Saturday morning-if nothing happens. Then I will get to see dear old Lennice and I hope to have a good talk with her while I am there. And I am thrilled to a polka dot at the thought of going home.
I took some more dictation from Miss Slayton this morning.
My sweet man wants me to come down. I wish I could go, but I don't care what I do, just so I can see him.
Lucile wanted to walk to the station tomorrow and she is on a rampant. I am on one, too. It makes me darn tired.
Friday, May 28, 1926
Dear Diary,
This has been the awfullest day. It started wrong by my receiving a card from Daddy, saying he would come after me. That knocked all my plans to pieces and made me almost sick. I have the blues so badly. Lucile and Irene are getting ready to go to Quincy in the morning and I can't go with them. That just kills me, almost.
I took dictation from Glenn Thomas today and got along fine.
Paul wanted to see me before I left, so he came out a while and took Lucy and me to the ice cream parlor.
While I was gone I had a long distance call. They said it was from home, so I put in a call for there, but they weren't calling at all. It just worries me to death. We went through the packing house at noon. I dread tomorrow - getting up at three o'clock.
Saturday, May 29, 1926
Dear Diary,
Another awful day. We got up early this morning and went to the station with Irene and Lucile. After that, we went to a fire, then I went home and went to bed at five. About seven, I heard Mrs. Baxter calling me to the telephone. It was Daddy. He said for me to go on to Quincy and he would meet me there. I did go and hadn't been there long when I missed my ring. I haven't found it yet, and I hardly hope to. Oh, Diary, I am the most heartsick girl that ever lived, on a day when I should have been happy.
I did manage to buy a new dress and hat - both rose color, but I wasn't interested in them.
Daddy and I started home but it got to looking so stormy that we decided to stay all night here, in Edina. We are at the Victor house. I wrote to Clint and told him about the ring. Had two letters from him and love him more than ever.
Sunday, May 30, 1926
Dear Diary,
I am home and glad of it, too. We left Edina about eight this morning and got here before eleven. Everything looked so nice and clean. Mother had a lovely dinner but I wasn't at all hungry. Shortly after dinner, Wilma called and wanted me to come to the train to see her. She was leaving for Kirksville. I went past for Dorothea and then we saw Wilma for a few minutes.
Wayne called tonight and wanted a date, but "nothin doin'". I wonder what he thinks I am anyway.
Daddy and I went to church but Mother didn't go because it was raining. I wrote to Clinton just before supper, and after too. I wish he were here.
Monday, May 31, 1926
Dear Diary,
Mother, Polly and I have been working on "our" crossword puzzle. It is over half done and I want to get it finished before I go back to Louisiana.
I helped with the washing this morning and it was a big one, too. I got my letter this afternoon and wrote to him, too. I wonder what he thinks of his little girl and her ability to lose things. I really wonder.
Paul (brother) took us car riding tonight and he is a keen little driver, too. Then we went up to see Lois and her Mother, but Lois wasn't at home. I have so much sewing to be done that I am anxious to get busy.
I went to the train this morning and saw Reva Jane for a few minutes. She is coming over next Sunday.
Granny was afraid of being laid off, but just the opposite happened. She was asked to stay with Stark Brothers, even though it wasn't really where she wanted to be. I laugh at some of the expressions and words she uses: "puffed up", "white iris", "keen", "darlingest", "big head", "thrills and heart throbs", "hot stuff". I've decided she really was a character--for instance, she lost her engagement ring, and refers to herself as "the most heartsick girl that ever lived" ... however, she goes on to say "I did manage to buy a new dress and hat, both rose colored, but I wasn't interested in them" ... she was so clever and witty.
Saturday, May 1, 1926
Dear Diary,
I was so "pre cited" today. I had the funniest feeling this morning, as if I were to be laid off. About ten o'clock Mr. Hickerson sent for me. He wanted to know what I planned to do this summer, and if they could count on me next Fall and Winter should they keep me this summer. I said I didn't intend to get married soon, if that was what he meant. He said that everyone liked my work, etc, and got me all puffed up. I am to get a vacation in June and one in August. I hate to think of having to live in this place a whole year, but I guess I can stand it.
I got the darlingest letter this morning. I wish I could see him.
Paul Reller asked me for a date for Monday night but I haven't any intentions of going. Mr. Tom called me "White Iris" when I met him.
Sunday, May 2, 1926
Dear Diary,
This has been the longest day, but I have rather enjoyed it. I got my letter about eight o'clock, and it was keen too. Lucile, Alta and I went to the Christian Sunday School. I answered my letter after S.S. Then after dinner Alta, Evelyn and I took a short walk and gathered some flowers.
Lucile, Hope, Joy, Elsie and I started to take a long hike but it commenced to rain so we didn't stay long. Had a good time at that though.
I just came home from Church, we took Jenny Lou home. The lights went out while we were there.
Monday, May 3, 1926
Dear Diary,
Lucile, Joy and I just came back from town. We went down to see the excursion boat and then we went in to Bankheads. I got three letters this morning. Clint's, Lennice and Dot. Tonight I got a letter from home. The folks were glad I am to stay, but then I suppose I am glad, too.
I wrote to Clint, Rose, and Wilma at the office today. Isn't that awful?
Where will I be this time next month, or this time next year? I wonder.
Tuesday, May 4, 1926
Dear Diary,
I went to the Circle meeting tonight and enjoyed it fairly well. I don't think I shall join it though.
I am so sleepy I can hardly see to write. I got a good letter from my sweet man. I have been so homesick for him today, moreso than usual. I only wrote one personal letter at the office. I am doing well, don't you think!
I got a curling iron, $2.60, for Pauline's birthday and wrapped it ready for mailing. I hope she will like it for it represents two days of hard labor, or part of two days.
Sent to Brown's Drug Store at Quincy for some medicine, too.
Wednesday, May 5, 1926
Dear Diary,
I have had a pressing bee tonight. I pressed everything I had in my possession, almost. I got my laundry bag this evening, my clothes are all as fresh and clean and Mother sent me some candy, too. I certainly appreciate it a lot.
I got a keen letter from Clint this morning. I have been so homesick for him and home today I didn't know what to say or do. I got a letter from Reva Jane this evening and she has so many nice things planned for us, but the trouble is I'm not going to be there. I got my invitation to the Alumni, too. I am good and tired tonight.
Thursday, May 6, 1926
Dear Diary,
I did a dumb trick tonight. Went to the barber shop with Fredda and two boys asked to bring us home. I didn't see any harm so I went. Of course, they had to go riding. A fellow named John Zuck, or something like that, wanted to kiss me and I almost knocked him cold, literally speaking. At any rate, he didn't do it. I can't bear the thought of anyone kissing me besides the one I love best.
I got his letter as usual and answered it. Got a letter from Nola Mae tonight. She is coming about the seventeenth or eighteenth. Oh boy, won't I be happy? I can hardly wait.
Friday, May 7, 1926
Dear Diary,
I have been working on my quilt tonight. Isn't that shocking? I do want to get it finished. I have been so homesick today, I don't think I can stand it here much longer. Lucile thinks she will have to leave next week and Joy quits at the office tomorrow. It will be so lonesome when all the girls leave.
I wrote to Clint and Nola Mae at the office today. Aren't I awful? I mean to write at the office.
Saturday, May 8, 1926
Dear Diary,
I just came home from town. Didn't buy much, but still the money is gone. Lucy and I went into Bankheads.
I got the darlingest letter from my sweet man this morning, and wrote to him at the office. Also wrote a letter to Mother, and didn't do a darn thing but come off and leave both of them at the office. I was so disgusted with myself I didn't know what to do. Herman Davidson was out in his car and he took us back after them. He certainly saved my life.
Idelle, Annette, and Joy were laid off this evening. If it doesn't rain, we are going to Clinton Hill to cook our breakfast in the morning.
Sunday, May 9, 1926
Dear Diary,
I did it again tonight. Paul Reller brought me home from church. What will my Clint think or shall I tell him? I am to go to the show with him tomorrow night. Some more scandal. He wanted to kiss me and I told him I wouldn't go to the show with him if he did, and I meant it, too.
We had a lovely time this morning. Cooked bacon, weiners and coffee and walked all over the hill.
I hurried back to get my letter and it was a sweet one, too. Being with Paul made me want Clint all the more.
Elsie and I went to church this morning and I wrote to Clint and Lennice this afternoon.
Monday, May 10, 1926
Dear Diary,
I liked the show very much and Paul was as nice as he could be. I don't think he will ask me for another date and I hope he doesn't.
I got my letter as usual and answered it at the office. Also wrote to the folks and lost them on the bus, but recovered them.
Got a letter from Pauline and Helen tonight. Polly was so pleased with her curling iron and the folks did go to Bethel.
We have been talking and cutting up and I am afraid we won't get to bed very early.
Tuesday, May 11, 1926
Dear Diary,
I was a good little girl tonight. We had a real party in the parlor, danced, and Evelyn played and we sang. I think everyone felt good and we certainly had lots of fun.
I wrote to my sweet man and told him about my date. I wonder what he will think about it. I dread to hear. Got a letter from Imogene this evening but I don't think I shall be in a hurry about answering it.
Had intended to get a haircut but we were having too good a time. I just couldn't leave.
Wednesday, May 12, 1926
Dear Diary,
I had intended to work on my crossword puzzle tonight but haven't done it yet. Got my hair cut tonight and took a bath. I am tired and sleepy now and really should go to bed.
I got my sweet letter and one from Nola Mae. She is coming next Tuesday. Just think--not a week to wait, but I wish it were sooner. I'm so glad she is coming I don't know what to do. Clint still wants me to come down for the barbeque and if I don't wish I could go, then I never wished anything. Oh boy! I have wanted to see him so much today. Why can't we be together? Such is life.
Thursday, May 13, 1926
Dear Diary,
I got two of the bestest letters this morning. One was from home and you may guess about the other. I answered them both at the office. Didn't work very hard today but am rather tired and sleepy.
Alta and I made out an order for material for teds and a negligee tonight. Then she, Nina, Lucile and I went to town to mail some letters. We went in to Bankheads and haven't been home long. I worked on my quilt and want to work some more before I go to bed.
Catherine was laid off today and is leaving in the morning. Silently, one-by-one --when will my turn come? I wonder.
Friday, May 14, 1926
Dear Diary,
I have been working on my quilt again - pieced four blocks. Maybe I will get it done some day, but I have my doubts.
I got a darling letter from Clint and one from Reva Jane this morning. I wrote to Clint, Gladys and Uncle Adam at the office. Won't the latter two be surprised? I wonder if they will answer them. I haven't written to Gladys since last May.
Tonight is Commencement at home. Boy, I wish I could be there. Every time I work on my quilt (our quilt), I think more than ever of my sweet man, if that is possible.
We don't have to work tomorrow afternoon and I am certainly glad of it.
Saturday, May 15, 1926
Dear Diary,
Worked on my quilt again today and when I get through writing to you, I am going to work some more. Getting Saturday afternoon off is a wonderful sensation - I like it. Lucy and I went to town after dinner and I tried to get me a new hat but I have the big head, I guess. I couldn't find very many that fit me, and none that I liked well enough to buy. I do want one though. Johnny Mayfield brought us home in the car. Oh boy, what would his Ruthie say?
Of course I got my sweet letter. Why ask? He wanted to know if I would meet him in St. Louis for the fourth. Oh boy, will I? I hope to and I want to. Got a letter from Lennice this evening. Washed my hair before I went to town. Two more nights. Then Nola Mae.
Sunday, May 16, 1926
Dear Diary,
This has been a long day but I have enjoyed it so much. My letter started the day off right for me.
I went to Sunday School at the Methodist church, and got so disgusted I don't think I shall ever want to go back.
I answered Clint's letter after S.S. and after dinner I just laid around trying to sleep.
All the other girls up here have dates tonight. We are out of luck, I guess, but no, I don't call it that. I have my own sweet man to think about. We went to Baccaulaureate services but there was such a crowd we didn't stay. Went to Bankheads for ice cream and stuff. I'm tired and sleepy and wanna go to bed.
Monday, May 17, 1926
Dear Diary,
I did it again - went to the show with Paul Reller. It was Lon Chaney in "The Phantom of the Opera". Gee, it was awful. Paul tried to kiss me again tonight but I wouldn't let him, and what is more, I don't intend to let him now or ever. Clint probably won't like it very well but he won't say anything about it.
I wrote to him at the office. Also to Reva Jane and Lennice. Just think...tomorrow night Nola Mae will be here and glad? I can hardly wait, I am so anxious to see her.
We went up to Bankheads after the show so it it rather late now.
Tuesday, May 18, 1926
Dear Diary,
Nola Mae is here and I am so happy. We have been having lots of fun, and it is bedtime now. I wish she could stay here all the time.
I didn't work very hard today, but I am rather tired. Wrote to Clint but didn't tell him about my date last night. I don't know why I didn't, but I felt as if it would be best. I wonder if I am doing wrong? Here's hoping I'm not. Paul Reller sent me a flower and note today. Thrills and heart throbs. The kids have been kidding me about him and Clint, but I don't mind.
Wednesday, May 19, 1926
Dear Diary,
I am so tired tonight and wish I were in bed asleep. I am afraid we won't get to sleep as much as I want to for Nola likes to talk too well.
I got the darlingest letter from Clint this morning. It was rather long and sweet as can be. Also got a letter from Rose.
I had a good time at the office today. Talked to Mr. Hickerson and I am to leave on my vacation May 29 and come back for work on June 17. Mr. Tom talked to me at noon. Also Paul Reller.
Lucile, Nola and I went to the park and down to Bankheads after supper. Good night, ol' dear.
Thursday, May 20, 1926
Dear Diary,
I have been having a good time tonight. We played and sang for awhile. Then Lucy, Nola Mae, Hope, Irene, Alta, Elsie and I went to town and also took a walk.
Nola went out to the office with me today and we had a good old talk. I enjoyed it so much. I got a sweet letter from a sweet man, and tried to answer it, but my answer wasn't so good. I heard a lot of things that Miss Efficiency said about me and one of them was that my work was as neat and nice as I. Oh boy! Thrills and heart throbs.
Alta and I think we are going to St. Louis about the 4th of July to meet our sweet men. Hot dog! Here's hoping.
Friday, May 21, 1926
Dear Diary,
Nola Mae is downstairs telling the girls about her trip to Europe and I was afraid I wouldn't have time to write you if I didn't slip off now. I have heard it all before anyway. She is leaving about four o'clock in the morning and I know I shall miss her.
She took me to a doctor this evening and he said I didn't need to worry about my condition. I am glad I don't.
Clint told me that he made the Civil Service Exam - made 88 and ranked fourth. I am so very proud of my sweet boy and happy about it, too.
Paul gave Lucy and me a flower and some candy at noon. Shortly after dinner, Mr. Hickerson called for me to take some dictation, and boy! I liked it. I got it all and it wasn't hard to transcribe either. I could write more but I lack time and space.
Saturday, May 22, 1926
Dear Diary,
Lucy and I just came home from town. Paul Reller met us and took us to Bunte. We had already been to Bankheads and I am about stuffed.
We got a terrible shock at noon when we came home. We found that Ruth Dawson was married this a.m. to Gentry McGruder. You could have knocked us over with a feather.
I cleaned out the dresser drawers and packed part of my things. Also washed some clothes, but didn't get to work on my quilt.
Nola Mae left on the ten-thirty train, but I didn't stay at home to see her off.
Mr. and Mrs. Baxter are gone tonight but we aren't afraid at all. Clint said he didn't know when he could see me now for he won't get a vacation. Darn.
Sunday, May 23, 1926
Dear Diary,
This has been a long day but I have rather enjoyed. it. My special came before I had finished breakfast. Alta and I have been planning our trip to St. Louis. Hot stuff. Seven of us went to S.S. this morning. Then I wrote to Clint and after dinner, I wrote to Lennice and the folks. Got a letter from Joy this morning.
Lucile and I started to church tonight, but backed out before we got there. We did go to Bankheads though. There are lots of drunks in town tonight and it is rather scary.
Last night Ruth came home after I had written to you. She looked so happy and I bet she felt that way, too. Wait till our day comes.
Monday, May 24, 1926
Dear Diary,
I had another date tonight and he was so nice. Didn't try to get at all familiar and I enjoy going with him when he is that way. The show was Douglas Fairbanks in "Don Q". We went to Bankheads after the show and my head is splitting now. Boy, it does hurt. And hot? I'm about to melt.
I got three letters this morning-one from home, one from Reva Jane, and the best one of all - my Clint's. I wrote an application and a letter to Mr. V. G. besides the one to my sweet man. A few more days and I will be home. Hot stuff.
Tuesday, May 25, 1926
Dear Diary,
We went to watch the boat excursion leave tonight and I almost wish I were going or gone, I should say. I am so tired and this room is like a bake oven. I don't believe we can stand it up here this summer.
I got a letter from home tonight and Daddy is thinking of coming down after me. I hope he doesn't for that will spoil my chances of going to Quincy. We are to get off all day Saturday so I can leave Friday night or early Saturday morning. Won't that be great?
I took dictation from Hick today and he went like lightening, almost. I didn't get it all out and I am afraid I won't be able to read the rest of it tomorrow. Clint's letter was rather short and snappy today.
Wednesday, May 26, 1926
Dear Diary,
It is rather late and I haven't accomplished much tonight either. I washed my hair right after work, then had it cut. Finished a letter to Nola Mae and went with Irene and Lucile out to Cordles. When we came back we were hungry so Irene and I went to town after some ice cream cones. I got out the rest of my dictation this morning and took some this afternoon from Miss Slayton. It wasn't half bad.
Paul sent me a rose this morning. Thrills. Got my letter, and the chances of seeing my sweet man aren't so good as they might be. I got a darling letter from Nola Mae too. She is anxious for me to come to Chicago to work. Two more nights and then - oh boy!
Thursday, May 27, 1926
Dear Diary,
Hope, Irene, Lucy and I went to the show tonight. It was sad and, of course, I cried - Claire Windsor in "The Denial".
Lucy is to be laid off tomorrow. Then we are leaving for Quincy about four o'clock Saturday morning-if nothing happens. Then I will get to see dear old Lennice and I hope to have a good talk with her while I am there. And I am thrilled to a polka dot at the thought of going home.
I took some more dictation from Miss Slayton this morning.
My sweet man wants me to come down. I wish I could go, but I don't care what I do, just so I can see him.
Lucile wanted to walk to the station tomorrow and she is on a rampant. I am on one, too. It makes me darn tired.
Friday, May 28, 1926
Dear Diary,
This has been the awfullest day. It started wrong by my receiving a card from Daddy, saying he would come after me. That knocked all my plans to pieces and made me almost sick. I have the blues so badly. Lucile and Irene are getting ready to go to Quincy in the morning and I can't go with them. That just kills me, almost.
I took dictation from Glenn Thomas today and got along fine.
Paul wanted to see me before I left, so he came out a while and took Lucy and me to the ice cream parlor.
While I was gone I had a long distance call. They said it was from home, so I put in a call for there, but they weren't calling at all. It just worries me to death. We went through the packing house at noon. I dread tomorrow - getting up at three o'clock.
Saturday, May 29, 1926
Dear Diary,
Another awful day. We got up early this morning and went to the station with Irene and Lucile. After that, we went to a fire, then I went home and went to bed at five. About seven, I heard Mrs. Baxter calling me to the telephone. It was Daddy. He said for me to go on to Quincy and he would meet me there. I did go and hadn't been there long when I missed my ring. I haven't found it yet, and I hardly hope to. Oh, Diary, I am the most heartsick girl that ever lived, on a day when I should have been happy.
I did manage to buy a new dress and hat - both rose color, but I wasn't interested in them.
Daddy and I started home but it got to looking so stormy that we decided to stay all night here, in Edina. We are at the Victor house. I wrote to Clint and told him about the ring. Had two letters from him and love him more than ever.
Sunday, May 30, 1926
Dear Diary,
I am home and glad of it, too. We left Edina about eight this morning and got here before eleven. Everything looked so nice and clean. Mother had a lovely dinner but I wasn't at all hungry. Shortly after dinner, Wilma called and wanted me to come to the train to see her. She was leaving for Kirksville. I went past for Dorothea and then we saw Wilma for a few minutes.
Wayne called tonight and wanted a date, but "nothin doin'". I wonder what he thinks I am anyway.
Daddy and I went to church but Mother didn't go because it was raining. I wrote to Clinton just before supper, and after too. I wish he were here.
Monday, May 31, 1926
Dear Diary,
Mother, Polly and I have been working on "our" crossword puzzle. It is over half done and I want to get it finished before I go back to Louisiana.
I helped with the washing this morning and it was a big one, too. I got my letter this afternoon and wrote to him, too. I wonder what he thinks of his little girl and her ability to lose things. I really wonder.
Paul (brother) took us car riding tonight and he is a keen little driver, too. Then we went up to see Lois and her Mother, but Lois wasn't at home. I have so much sewing to be done that I am anxious to get busy.
I went to the train this morning and saw Reva Jane for a few minutes. She is coming over next Sunday.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Granny writes...April, 1926
"April, April, laugh thy girlish laughter. Then, the moment after, weep thy girlish tears".
Not a lot going on in April of 1926...Clint's older sister, Winnie, wants to see Marie...wants to know what size she is...wants her to go to Louisville (KY) with her. I don't know what the reference to "white iris" is about. Granny received her diploma from Gem City Business College. She is tiring of Louisiana, MO, and misses Clint. Still.
Thursday, April 1, 1926
Dear Diary,
I got a marcel tonight but don't like it very well. He was in too much of a hurry.
I sent the note to P.R. this morning. He said that he understood the conditions and that he still wanted it (a date) but I decided not to go. I just couldn't bring myself to hurt Clinton that way, for I know that if he were at all like me, it would hurt him and it won't hurt Paul's feelings, I am sure.
I got a dear letter from Clint this morning. He isn't working yet and I am afraid he is worrying about it. I do wish he could work, for then we would be together sooner.
I was April fooled once. Letter from Nola Mae tonight.
Friday, April 2, 1926
Dear Diary,
The mail didn't come this morning but when I came home from work I had a letter and an Easter box from my sweet Daddy. The candy is so nice and he is a perfect dear. I wrote to him after supper and mailed my Easter greetings.
Hope, Bessie and I went to town tonight. I bought stationery, cold cream, powder and soap. Nearly spent all my money. Today was payday. My check was $22.57. I wish it was just twice that much. I need a new dress so badly but am not getting it very fast.
I am tired, so goodnight.
Saturday, April 3, 1926
Dear Diary,
I am ready for bed and feel like going there, too. Lucile and I went to town after supper. I sent Clint a special delivery letter, the first one I ever sent him.
I got a letter from him after work but didn't have any other mail. Rose has been having dental work done and she is having a time. She got some lovely carnations from Clark for Easter. It doesn't seem like Easter at all. I should be getting ready to hunt Easter eggs in the morning.
Lois was laid off today. She is staying with Pearl tonight. I feel so sorry for her.
Sunday, April 4, 1926
Dear Diary,
Easter is almost over. It has been a long, lonesome day, but I have had a fairly good time. I got my special this morning just before I finished breakfast. Also got a letter from Imogene.
I went to the Baptist Church this morning and again tonight. Paul Reller was there and Hope bet me a dime he would ask to bring me home. Of course I won it.
I wrote to Clint, home, Nola Mae and Lennice today. After dinner I went walking with the third floor gang. We took a lot of pictures.
Monday, April 5, 1926
Dear Diary,
I worked tonight. It is raining and cold and I should be killed for working. I got a good bawling out from Clint today about working at night, getting marcels, and I was also commanded not to get a boyish bob. Boy, the lecture I got was marvelous. It made me angry at first, then it gave me the blues. Now I don't blame him.
My coat came today, now that Easter is over. It is such a light color but I like it. It will have to be shortened before I can wear it.
Tuesday, April 6, 1926
Dear Diary,
I have been fooling around all evening. Alta went with me to take my coat to a dress maker to get it shortened.
Mrs. Holliday wrote a letter to Mr. V. G. today telling him of my ability. Perhaps I shall get my diploma soon. Alta, Lucile and I are talking of going to St. Louis when we are laid off here. I wonder if we will.
I got a letter from Clint and Dot this morning and one from home tonight. Paul wrote me the cleverest letter. I wrote to the folks after summer.
Clint's letter today made me as happy as the one yesterday made me angry and sad.
Wednesday, April 7, 1926
Dear Diary,
Another evening almost wasted. I shortened my orange dress and pressed some of my clothes. This has been another rainy old day, the kind I don't care so much for.
I got a wonderful letter from Clinton this morning. He was talking about our children and he was so sensible and thoughtful about it. What he said made me love him all the more. He said that if anything should happen to keep us from having any, he didn't care, he loved me anyway. Diary, it is wonderful to have someone to love you.
I got another letter from home tonight and an Easter box. It came rather late but I enjoyed it. I was surprised at getting another letter so soon. Mother, Daddy, Pauline and Helen wrote this time.
Thursday, April 8, 1926
Dear Diary,
Lucile and I have been studying shorthand this evening. When I get started I just love to study it. Rose and I went to the dress makers after our coats. Rose is planning to go home Monday.
I got a darling letter from Clint this morning. He said he was so sorry he had hurt my feelings the other day and that he wouldn't have said those things for anything if he had known they would hurt me. He said to work nights if I wanted to, to get all the marcels I want, and if I got a boyish bob that he would adore it. Isn't he a perfect darling? And tonight I got a whole letter full of Flapper Fanny's sayings.
Friday, April 9, 1926
Dear Diary,
I went to the show for a change tonight. It wasn't as much of a change either for it was Granstark and I saw it at Quincy with my sweet man.
At noon today I started to go walking with Lucile and Rose and turned my ankle. Boy, it did hurt and it still hurts.
I got a letter today from my sweet Daddy, as usual and after work I got a letter from Nola Mae and Reva Jane.
I didn't write to Clint until after work. I wonder how many days I will be here.
Saturday, April 10, 1926
Dear Diary,
I did it tonight. Lucile and I went to town and I bought some new slippers and hose. $7.50 for the slippers and $2.00 for the hose. Aren't I awful? I know I should be killed.
I got a letter from Clint as usual and one from Lennice and Aunt Nora this morning. Wrote to Clint again after work. He is about to take a position in a bank there. I am anxious to hear what he is going to do.
Sunday, April 11, 1926
Dear Diary,
It has been raining all this blessed day. I didn't go to Sunday School or church this morning but I did go to church tonight. Paul sang in the choir and he asked me how I was. Isn't that lovely - sublime?
I got my special this morning and he is going to take the bank position at seventy five a month. I am glad he has decided on something but I am afraid he won't like it there.
I wrote to him, Nola Mae, Dorothy, Imogene, Aunt Nora, and Lennice today. I did quite well but I did want to write to the folks and to Reva Jane. Didn't have time for that.
Tomorrow will be Rose's last day here, or rather, she is leaving in the morning. She is with Clark now. Poor girl, I sympathize with her and him, too, for that matter!
Monday, April 12, 1926
Dear Diary,
Lucile, Elsie and I have been studying shorthand. I wrote a letter to the folks, too, and played on the piano a little bit. You could never guess who called me for a date tonight. It was Addison McDonald, "risky" in other words. I said "no". Boy, he is good looking and all that most girls could ask for but he isn't Clint.
I got my daily newspaper. It was rather short again but I liked it.
Tuesday, April 13, 1926
Dear Diary,
I just got back from work. I worked downstairs in the traffic department tonight. Don't like it very well.
My letter from Clint was short for he was in a big hurry. I wrote to him at the office and sent him one of my pictures.
Got a letter from Daddy this morning. He said Mother was sick in bed. He thought she had the flu. I hope she is better.
I got my diploma from Gem City tonight. Thrills and heart throbs. I really am very proud of it. Wish Clint would have one, too.
Wednesday, April 14, 1926
Dear Diary,
I washed my hair tonight and got it cut. Frosty Cordle cut it for me. Now three of them have cut it.
I got my usual letter and again, it was written in a hurry, but I liked it anyway. He said he didn't know when he would have a vacation, but that Winnie would like to see me. Rather clever idea, but I'm afraid it won't work. I would be too bashful to go down there.
Thursday, April 15, 1926
Dear Diary,
I worked again tonight in the traffic department. I am tired enough to drop off.
I got my letter this morning but didn't have a chance to answer it until after work this afternoon. I have certainly worked hard all day.
Paul Reller worked tonight and I talked to him quite a bit, oh, not so much either but for a while he didn't pay much attention to me, after I had refused him a date.
I got a letter from home tonight. Mother is better but she couldn't talk above a whisper. Helen, Pauline and Daddy wrote. Mother wrote a few lines.
Friday, April 16, 1926
Dear Diary,
I have written three letters tonight, one to my sweet man, one to my folks, and one to Reva Jane.
Gee, but I worked hard today and I don't mean if. I am so tired. This has been a beautiful day, the kind that makes me homesick.
Jenny Lou said that Paul asked her how their "white iris" was and that he thought he would have to tell me that I was as sweet as dripping honey. Doesn't that sound romantic? But he didn't.
Saturday, April 17, 1926
Dear Diary,
I feel like the last rose of summer tonight. My head aches and my side aches. I have such a cold I can hardly see straight.
Today was pay day. My check was only $18.73. Lucile and I went to town tonight. I didn't buy anything but stamps and stationery. We went into Bankheads.
I got four letters today, I mean this morning - Clint, Rose, Nola Mae and Lennice. I got one from Wilma tonight, so I have a lot to answer.
Clint said his folks wanted to know how large I was and he said I was just a good armful. Doesn't he need killing?
Sunday, April 18, 1926
Dear Diary,
This has been a rather short day. When I went down to breakfast this morning, my special was lying on my plate. It did give me a big thrill and boy, it was a good letter. It made me want to be with him so much. Seven of us went to S.S. at the Christian Church. After S.S. I wrote to my sweet daddy. After dinner, I helped with the dishes. Lucile, Joy and I did. Mrs. Baxter was gone. I wrote to Nola Mae, the folks, and Lennice this afternoon.
We started to church at the Presbyterian but there was such a crowd there, we couldn't get in. I did a family washing after I came home.
Monday, April 19, 1926
Dear Diary,
I just came home from work. What will my sweet daddy say now? I guess he won't care, but I didn't really feel like working and I am dreadfully tired now.
I didn't hear from home at all today and I have been so worried about Mother and Paul. I wish they would write. I answered my letter at the office this morning.
Nothing exciting has happened today but then nothing ever does.
Tuesday, April 20, 1926
Dear Diary,
Hope, Joy, Catherine and I went to the show tonight - "Daddies". It was the cutest darn thing I have seen for a long time.
And boy, I got the darlingest letter this morning from my sweet man. Winnie wants me to take a trip with her to Louisville, Kentucky. Don't I wish I could go! I'll say! I also got a letter from home. Mother is better and I am so glad.
Mrs. Baxter cut a rayon dress for me tonight. It is pink and I am to trim it in gray.
Tomorrow is Jenny Lou's birthday and we are all giving her a gift. Lucile and I are giving an atomizer.
Wednesday, April 21, 1926
Dear Diary,
I got three letters this morning, from my man, Pauline and Helen, and Lennice. Pauline has the mumps now.
I wrote to Clint at the office, a great big long letter, but I didn't get it mailed till late tonight. I wrote to the folks after supper. Lucile, Hope and I went to town to mail them and got us some ice cream at Bankheads. I mean Parkers. Goodness, what is the matter with me? I can't write right. I guess I'm too tired.
Thursday, April 22, 1926
Dear Diary,
I have been writing letters this evening. Wrote to Wilma, Lennice, and Aunt Nora. I got four letters this morning - Clint, Nola Mae, Reva Jane, and Aunt Nora.
It has been raining all day but I didn't mind it. Lucile and I went to town tonight to mail my letter to Clint. We also got some pictures we had finished. I sent Lennice two of them and will send Nola, Reva, the folks and Clint some, too.
I am getting tired of this sort of life and am about ready to move on. But where? I guess I am homesick.
Friday, April 23, 1926
Dear Diary,
I had promised to work tonight but just after supper we had the most awful storm so no one went except Nina. We may get fired but I should worry.
I wrote to Nola Mae, Reva Jane and the folks tonight. Wrote to Clint at the office today. From the way it looks now, I don't know when I shall see him. Maybe never. I get so homesick for him I don't know which way to look.
I am so sleepy. I hope everyone will be quiet so I can go to sleep.
Saturday, April 24, 1926
Dear Diary,
My side has been hurting so much today, I could hardly see straight and it hurts yet. I wrote to Clint after work and added a few lines to my letter to the folks. I also washed my hair and took a bath. Mother will probably bawl me out if she finds it out.
Clint said he didn't know when he would see me and I have had the blues all day. It is so awful to have to be so far away from the one you love.
I got a pleasant surprise this evening - Reva Jane's picture. I am so proud of it.
Sunday, April 25, 1926,
Dear Diary,
Lucile, Catherine, Joy and I just came home from the Baptist Church. We also took Jenny Lou home.
I went to S.S. this morning at the Methodist Church and liked it better than the other time. I got my dear letter before I went, and also got one from home. See what the dear boy did for me, he caused me to get two letters today.
This afternoon Joy and I went to call on Cordles. We had a lovely time, so much better than I had expected. We went down to mail our letters after that and got some ice cream at Bankheads.
Monday, April 26, 1926
Dear Diary,
I just got back from work and an exciting trip to town with Fredda and Clay Agee. We went to the Bunny and got some things to eat. Had a very thrilling time.
Mr. Pinkerton told me this evening that he was going to see that I got some shorthand dictation.
I got my letter this morning. It was a sweet one, too. I answered it and wrote to the folks at the office.
Tuesday, April 27, 1926
Dear Diary,
I have been working on my dress this evening. Also washed a few clothes. Lucile and Fredda are working and I'm glad I'm not. I am so sleepy.
I got letters from Nola Mae, Dot, and Clint this morning. Nola and Dot are both coming to see me when school is out if I am still here. But I don't think there is much danger of my being here then. Dot won first in the music contest at Kirksville, and got a scholarship to the Normal. Isn't that great?
Wednesday, April 28, 1926
Dear Diary,
I worked tonight and also did something very wicked, or I suppose it was, under the circumstances. Paul Reller brought me home from the bus. Now what will my sweet daddy think of his little girl? Will he ever forgive me? But I really was good for I am going to keep myself good and pure for Clinton's sake. If I thought this would hurt my love for him or his for me, I would always be sorry.
I got a letter from him as usual, also one from Reva Jane. They were both good. I answered Clint's at the office.
Mr. Tom Stark came upstairs just on purpose to see who the "white iris" was today and he told Jenny Lou that she should have been a poet. Isn't that shocking?
Thursday, April 29, 1926
Dear Diary,
I have been at home this evening and have been a very good little girl. I finished my dress and that is about all.
I wrote to Clint this morning and told him about my date. Wonder what he will say. I know that I love him more than I could ever love anyone, but will he think so?
I got his letter, one from home, and one from Reva. I wrote to Dot and Reva Jane this afternoon.
Paul sent me a Hershey bar this afternoon. Thrills and heart throbs.
Yesterday was Daddy's birthday and I forgot it until the folks mentioned it. I sent him a card this evening. Better late than never.
Friday, April 30, 1926
Dear Diary,
I worked again tonight but nothing exciting happened. Lucile and Fredda, I mean Nina and Freddy and I went to the P.O. after we got back.
I hardly think I shall be here much longer. I may be fired tomorrow. You never can tell. I don't want to go for a few weeks, at least one.
I wrote to Clint, Nola Mae, and home today at the office. Aren't I awful? I got a letter this evening from Wilma.
It is late and I must go to bed. So long.
Not a lot going on in April of 1926...Clint's older sister, Winnie, wants to see Marie...wants to know what size she is...wants her to go to Louisville (KY) with her. I don't know what the reference to "white iris" is about. Granny received her diploma from Gem City Business College. She is tiring of Louisiana, MO, and misses Clint. Still.
Thursday, April 1, 1926
Dear Diary,
I got a marcel tonight but don't like it very well. He was in too much of a hurry.
I sent the note to P.R. this morning. He said that he understood the conditions and that he still wanted it (a date) but I decided not to go. I just couldn't bring myself to hurt Clinton that way, for I know that if he were at all like me, it would hurt him and it won't hurt Paul's feelings, I am sure.
I got a dear letter from Clint this morning. He isn't working yet and I am afraid he is worrying about it. I do wish he could work, for then we would be together sooner.
I was April fooled once. Letter from Nola Mae tonight.
Friday, April 2, 1926
Dear Diary,
The mail didn't come this morning but when I came home from work I had a letter and an Easter box from my sweet Daddy. The candy is so nice and he is a perfect dear. I wrote to him after supper and mailed my Easter greetings.
Hope, Bessie and I went to town tonight. I bought stationery, cold cream, powder and soap. Nearly spent all my money. Today was payday. My check was $22.57. I wish it was just twice that much. I need a new dress so badly but am not getting it very fast.
I am tired, so goodnight.
Saturday, April 3, 1926
Dear Diary,
I am ready for bed and feel like going there, too. Lucile and I went to town after supper. I sent Clint a special delivery letter, the first one I ever sent him.
I got a letter from him after work but didn't have any other mail. Rose has been having dental work done and she is having a time. She got some lovely carnations from Clark for Easter. It doesn't seem like Easter at all. I should be getting ready to hunt Easter eggs in the morning.
Lois was laid off today. She is staying with Pearl tonight. I feel so sorry for her.
Sunday, April 4, 1926
Dear Diary,
Easter is almost over. It has been a long, lonesome day, but I have had a fairly good time. I got my special this morning just before I finished breakfast. Also got a letter from Imogene.
I went to the Baptist Church this morning and again tonight. Paul Reller was there and Hope bet me a dime he would ask to bring me home. Of course I won it.
I wrote to Clint, home, Nola Mae and Lennice today. After dinner I went walking with the third floor gang. We took a lot of pictures.
Monday, April 5, 1926
Dear Diary,
I worked tonight. It is raining and cold and I should be killed for working. I got a good bawling out from Clint today about working at night, getting marcels, and I was also commanded not to get a boyish bob. Boy, the lecture I got was marvelous. It made me angry at first, then it gave me the blues. Now I don't blame him.
My coat came today, now that Easter is over. It is such a light color but I like it. It will have to be shortened before I can wear it.
Tuesday, April 6, 1926
Dear Diary,
I have been fooling around all evening. Alta went with me to take my coat to a dress maker to get it shortened.
Mrs. Holliday wrote a letter to Mr. V. G. today telling him of my ability. Perhaps I shall get my diploma soon. Alta, Lucile and I are talking of going to St. Louis when we are laid off here. I wonder if we will.
I got a letter from Clint and Dot this morning and one from home tonight. Paul wrote me the cleverest letter. I wrote to the folks after summer.
Clint's letter today made me as happy as the one yesterday made me angry and sad.
Wednesday, April 7, 1926
Dear Diary,
Another evening almost wasted. I shortened my orange dress and pressed some of my clothes. This has been another rainy old day, the kind I don't care so much for.
I got a wonderful letter from Clinton this morning. He was talking about our children and he was so sensible and thoughtful about it. What he said made me love him all the more. He said that if anything should happen to keep us from having any, he didn't care, he loved me anyway. Diary, it is wonderful to have someone to love you.
I got another letter from home tonight and an Easter box. It came rather late but I enjoyed it. I was surprised at getting another letter so soon. Mother, Daddy, Pauline and Helen wrote this time.
Thursday, April 8, 1926
Dear Diary,
Lucile and I have been studying shorthand this evening. When I get started I just love to study it. Rose and I went to the dress makers after our coats. Rose is planning to go home Monday.
I got a darling letter from Clint this morning. He said he was so sorry he had hurt my feelings the other day and that he wouldn't have said those things for anything if he had known they would hurt me. He said to work nights if I wanted to, to get all the marcels I want, and if I got a boyish bob that he would adore it. Isn't he a perfect darling? And tonight I got a whole letter full of Flapper Fanny's sayings.
Friday, April 9, 1926
Dear Diary,
I went to the show for a change tonight. It wasn't as much of a change either for it was Granstark and I saw it at Quincy with my sweet man.
At noon today I started to go walking with Lucile and Rose and turned my ankle. Boy, it did hurt and it still hurts.
I got a letter today from my sweet Daddy, as usual and after work I got a letter from Nola Mae and Reva Jane.
I didn't write to Clint until after work. I wonder how many days I will be here.
Saturday, April 10, 1926
Dear Diary,
I did it tonight. Lucile and I went to town and I bought some new slippers and hose. $7.50 for the slippers and $2.00 for the hose. Aren't I awful? I know I should be killed.
I got a letter from Clint as usual and one from Lennice and Aunt Nora this morning. Wrote to Clint again after work. He is about to take a position in a bank there. I am anxious to hear what he is going to do.
Sunday, April 11, 1926
Dear Diary,
It has been raining all this blessed day. I didn't go to Sunday School or church this morning but I did go to church tonight. Paul sang in the choir and he asked me how I was. Isn't that lovely - sublime?
I got my special this morning and he is going to take the bank position at seventy five a month. I am glad he has decided on something but I am afraid he won't like it there.
I wrote to him, Nola Mae, Dorothy, Imogene, Aunt Nora, and Lennice today. I did quite well but I did want to write to the folks and to Reva Jane. Didn't have time for that.
Tomorrow will be Rose's last day here, or rather, she is leaving in the morning. She is with Clark now. Poor girl, I sympathize with her and him, too, for that matter!
Monday, April 12, 1926
Dear Diary,
Lucile, Elsie and I have been studying shorthand. I wrote a letter to the folks, too, and played on the piano a little bit. You could never guess who called me for a date tonight. It was Addison McDonald, "risky" in other words. I said "no". Boy, he is good looking and all that most girls could ask for but he isn't Clint.
I got my daily newspaper. It was rather short again but I liked it.
Tuesday, April 13, 1926
Dear Diary,
I just got back from work. I worked downstairs in the traffic department tonight. Don't like it very well.
My letter from Clint was short for he was in a big hurry. I wrote to him at the office and sent him one of my pictures.
Got a letter from Daddy this morning. He said Mother was sick in bed. He thought she had the flu. I hope she is better.
I got my diploma from Gem City tonight. Thrills and heart throbs. I really am very proud of it. Wish Clint would have one, too.
Wednesday, April 14, 1926
Dear Diary,
I washed my hair tonight and got it cut. Frosty Cordle cut it for me. Now three of them have cut it.
I got my usual letter and again, it was written in a hurry, but I liked it anyway. He said he didn't know when he would have a vacation, but that Winnie would like to see me. Rather clever idea, but I'm afraid it won't work. I would be too bashful to go down there.
Thursday, April 15, 1926
Dear Diary,
I worked again tonight in the traffic department. I am tired enough to drop off.
I got my letter this morning but didn't have a chance to answer it until after work this afternoon. I have certainly worked hard all day.
Paul Reller worked tonight and I talked to him quite a bit, oh, not so much either but for a while he didn't pay much attention to me, after I had refused him a date.
I got a letter from home tonight. Mother is better but she couldn't talk above a whisper. Helen, Pauline and Daddy wrote. Mother wrote a few lines.
Friday, April 16, 1926
Dear Diary,
I have written three letters tonight, one to my sweet man, one to my folks, and one to Reva Jane.
Gee, but I worked hard today and I don't mean if. I am so tired. This has been a beautiful day, the kind that makes me homesick.
Jenny Lou said that Paul asked her how their "white iris" was and that he thought he would have to tell me that I was as sweet as dripping honey. Doesn't that sound romantic? But he didn't.
Saturday, April 17, 1926
Dear Diary,
I feel like the last rose of summer tonight. My head aches and my side aches. I have such a cold I can hardly see straight.
Today was pay day. My check was only $18.73. Lucile and I went to town tonight. I didn't buy anything but stamps and stationery. We went into Bankheads.
I got four letters today, I mean this morning - Clint, Rose, Nola Mae and Lennice. I got one from Wilma tonight, so I have a lot to answer.
Clint said his folks wanted to know how large I was and he said I was just a good armful. Doesn't he need killing?
Sunday, April 18, 1926
Dear Diary,
This has been a rather short day. When I went down to breakfast this morning, my special was lying on my plate. It did give me a big thrill and boy, it was a good letter. It made me want to be with him so much. Seven of us went to S.S. at the Christian Church. After S.S. I wrote to my sweet daddy. After dinner, I helped with the dishes. Lucile, Joy and I did. Mrs. Baxter was gone. I wrote to Nola Mae, the folks, and Lennice this afternoon.
We started to church at the Presbyterian but there was such a crowd there, we couldn't get in. I did a family washing after I came home.
Monday, April 19, 1926
Dear Diary,
I just came home from work. What will my sweet daddy say now? I guess he won't care, but I didn't really feel like working and I am dreadfully tired now.
I didn't hear from home at all today and I have been so worried about Mother and Paul. I wish they would write. I answered my letter at the office this morning.
Nothing exciting has happened today but then nothing ever does.
Tuesday, April 20, 1926
Dear Diary,
Hope, Joy, Catherine and I went to the show tonight - "Daddies". It was the cutest darn thing I have seen for a long time.
And boy, I got the darlingest letter this morning from my sweet man. Winnie wants me to take a trip with her to Louisville, Kentucky. Don't I wish I could go! I'll say! I also got a letter from home. Mother is better and I am so glad.
Mrs. Baxter cut a rayon dress for me tonight. It is pink and I am to trim it in gray.
Tomorrow is Jenny Lou's birthday and we are all giving her a gift. Lucile and I are giving an atomizer.
Wednesday, April 21, 1926
Dear Diary,
I got three letters this morning, from my man, Pauline and Helen, and Lennice. Pauline has the mumps now.
I wrote to Clint at the office, a great big long letter, but I didn't get it mailed till late tonight. I wrote to the folks after supper. Lucile, Hope and I went to town to mail them and got us some ice cream at Bankheads. I mean Parkers. Goodness, what is the matter with me? I can't write right. I guess I'm too tired.
Thursday, April 22, 1926
Dear Diary,
I have been writing letters this evening. Wrote to Wilma, Lennice, and Aunt Nora. I got four letters this morning - Clint, Nola Mae, Reva Jane, and Aunt Nora.
It has been raining all day but I didn't mind it. Lucile and I went to town tonight to mail my letter to Clint. We also got some pictures we had finished. I sent Lennice two of them and will send Nola, Reva, the folks and Clint some, too.
I am getting tired of this sort of life and am about ready to move on. But where? I guess I am homesick.
Friday, April 23, 1926
Dear Diary,
I had promised to work tonight but just after supper we had the most awful storm so no one went except Nina. We may get fired but I should worry.
I wrote to Nola Mae, Reva Jane and the folks tonight. Wrote to Clint at the office today. From the way it looks now, I don't know when I shall see him. Maybe never. I get so homesick for him I don't know which way to look.
I am so sleepy. I hope everyone will be quiet so I can go to sleep.
Saturday, April 24, 1926
Dear Diary,
My side has been hurting so much today, I could hardly see straight and it hurts yet. I wrote to Clint after work and added a few lines to my letter to the folks. I also washed my hair and took a bath. Mother will probably bawl me out if she finds it out.
Clint said he didn't know when he would see me and I have had the blues all day. It is so awful to have to be so far away from the one you love.
I got a pleasant surprise this evening - Reva Jane's picture. I am so proud of it.
Sunday, April 25, 1926,
Dear Diary,
Lucile, Catherine, Joy and I just came home from the Baptist Church. We also took Jenny Lou home.
I went to S.S. this morning at the Methodist Church and liked it better than the other time. I got my dear letter before I went, and also got one from home. See what the dear boy did for me, he caused me to get two letters today.
This afternoon Joy and I went to call on Cordles. We had a lovely time, so much better than I had expected. We went down to mail our letters after that and got some ice cream at Bankheads.
Monday, April 26, 1926
Dear Diary,
I just got back from work and an exciting trip to town with Fredda and Clay Agee. We went to the Bunny and got some things to eat. Had a very thrilling time.
Mr. Pinkerton told me this evening that he was going to see that I got some shorthand dictation.
I got my letter this morning. It was a sweet one, too. I answered it and wrote to the folks at the office.
Tuesday, April 27, 1926
Dear Diary,
I have been working on my dress this evening. Also washed a few clothes. Lucile and Fredda are working and I'm glad I'm not. I am so sleepy.
I got letters from Nola Mae, Dot, and Clint this morning. Nola and Dot are both coming to see me when school is out if I am still here. But I don't think there is much danger of my being here then. Dot won first in the music contest at Kirksville, and got a scholarship to the Normal. Isn't that great?
Wednesday, April 28, 1926
Dear Diary,
I worked tonight and also did something very wicked, or I suppose it was, under the circumstances. Paul Reller brought me home from the bus. Now what will my sweet daddy think of his little girl? Will he ever forgive me? But I really was good for I am going to keep myself good and pure for Clinton's sake. If I thought this would hurt my love for him or his for me, I would always be sorry.
I got a letter from him as usual, also one from Reva Jane. They were both good. I answered Clint's at the office.
Mr. Tom Stark came upstairs just on purpose to see who the "white iris" was today and he told Jenny Lou that she should have been a poet. Isn't that shocking?
Thursday, April 29, 1926
Dear Diary,
I have been at home this evening and have been a very good little girl. I finished my dress and that is about all.
I wrote to Clint this morning and told him about my date. Wonder what he will say. I know that I love him more than I could ever love anyone, but will he think so?
I got his letter, one from home, and one from Reva. I wrote to Dot and Reva Jane this afternoon.
Paul sent me a Hershey bar this afternoon. Thrills and heart throbs.
Yesterday was Daddy's birthday and I forgot it until the folks mentioned it. I sent him a card this evening. Better late than never.
Friday, April 30, 1926
Dear Diary,
I worked again tonight but nothing exciting happened. Lucile and Fredda, I mean Nina and Freddy and I went to the P.O. after we got back.
I hardly think I shall be here much longer. I may be fired tomorrow. You never can tell. I don't want to go for a few weeks, at least one.
I wrote to Clint, Nola Mae, and home today at the office. Aren't I awful? I got a letter this evening from Wilma.
It is late and I must go to bed. So long.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Good food, great company, old friends...
It has been such a nice weekend. Lyndsey and Jud came in on Saturday because we (Lyndsey and I, along with 6 others) hosted a bridal shower for Kristen, one of Lyndsey's oldest and dearest friends, who is getting married in October. Jud got to go stay with his Aunt Kristin and cousins Aden and Eric during the shower. Later in the evening, there was a lingerie shower for Kristen, which Lyndsey and I also attended. Jud got to stay with his PaPa Smith and Tina for a couple of hours while we went to it.
Today has been the laziest of days...ordered pizza in, took naps, watched a Ranger baseball game, and enjoyed a nice amount of rain. Doesn't get much better.
Events like these are bittersweet to me -- on one hand, I am so happy and proud to see these, my favorite girls, falling in love, getting married, having babies -- but on the other hand, I would like to turn the clock back to when they were just little girls. And, well, big girls, too! I'm talking about the boy crazy, slumber party, wrapping houses, telephone calling, summer camp attending, clothes borrowing, note writing, hurting each other's feelings, learning to drive, prom dress shopping, cheerleading, lifeguarding, going off to college kind of days.
I miss them.
I didn't take as many pictures as I would have liked, but as I'm sure you all know, its hard when the event is at your house. So, here are a couple...
Beautiful Kristen...she will be a gorgeous bride...
The hostesses with Kristen (minus Randi)...
Kristen with her mom, Mary, and little sister, Ashley...
The beautiful flowers...

Good company...
And I can never resist taking my Lyndsey's picture...
The End.
Today has been the laziest of days...ordered pizza in, took naps, watched a Ranger baseball game, and enjoyed a nice amount of rain. Doesn't get much better.
Events like these are bittersweet to me -- on one hand, I am so happy and proud to see these, my favorite girls, falling in love, getting married, having babies -- but on the other hand, I would like to turn the clock back to when they were just little girls. And, well, big girls, too! I'm talking about the boy crazy, slumber party, wrapping houses, telephone calling, summer camp attending, clothes borrowing, note writing, hurting each other's feelings, learning to drive, prom dress shopping, cheerleading, lifeguarding, going off to college kind of days.
I miss them.
I didn't take as many pictures as I would have liked, but as I'm sure you all know, its hard when the event is at your house. So, here are a couple...
Beautiful Kristen...she will be a gorgeous bride...
The hostesses with Kristen (minus Randi)...
Kristen with her mom, Mary, and little sister, Ashley...
The beautiful flowers...
Good company...
And I can never resist taking my Lyndsey's picture...
The End.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Conversation with twins...
About cars..........
Last week when I the kept the twins for a few days, we had several conversations. I hadn't kept them for a full day since the end of school, so we had lots to catch up on. Refresher courses, if you will. Their vocabulary is unbelievable, and they actually talk in sentences now...so cute!
We had the following conversation one afternoon while in the front yard. It was pretty priceless!
Me: Boys, remember to never get close to the street, okay?
Them: (nodding heads up and down)
Me: Do ya'll know why?
Aden: Cars can hurt you.
Eric: Its dangerous.
Me: How can cars hurt you?
Aden: (banging his forearms together)...they run over you.
Eric: Yeah, dangerous.
Me: And what happens if a car runs over you?
Aden: Hurt you bad.
Eric: The (making the sound of an ambulance) will come get you.
Me: What else?
Aden: Make GiGi (thats me) cry.
Eric: Make Mamma and Daddy cry.
Aden: Make PaPa cry.
Eric: And Nana.
Aden: Poppy cry?
Me: Yes, Poppy would cry.
Eric: And MiMi and PaPa?
Me: Yes, MiMi and PaPa, too. Who else?
Aden: Pappy cry.
Me: What about Lyndsey and James?
Aden: "Wens" and James cry?
Me: Yes, they would. Everyone will cry if you get in the street and if a car runs over you. We will all be sad for a long time if that happens. Cars and trucks are very, very dangerous, so don't EVER get close to the street. Okay?
Them: (nodding heads up and down)
Me: You guys look at me. Don't ever get close to the street. Okay?
Aden: Okay
Eric: Okay
Me: Promise?
Them: Promise.
I don't believe you can over-educate kids about dangerous things. Life is precious, and bad things can happen in the blink of an eye.
The end.
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We had the following conversation one afternoon while in the front yard. It was pretty priceless!
Me: Boys, remember to never get close to the street, okay?
Them: (nodding heads up and down)
Me: Do ya'll know why?
Aden: Cars can hurt you.
Eric: Its dangerous.
Me: How can cars hurt you?
Aden: (banging his forearms together)...they run over you.
Eric: Yeah, dangerous.
Me: And what happens if a car runs over you?
Aden: Hurt you bad.
Eric: The (making the sound of an ambulance) will come get you.
Me: What else?
Aden: Make GiGi (thats me) cry.
Eric: Make Mamma and Daddy cry.
Aden: Make PaPa cry.
Eric: And Nana.
Aden: Poppy cry?
Me: Yes, Poppy would cry.
Eric: And MiMi and PaPa?
Me: Yes, MiMi and PaPa, too. Who else?
Aden: Pappy cry.
Me: What about Lyndsey and James?
Aden: "Wens" and James cry?
Me: Yes, they would. Everyone will cry if you get in the street and if a car runs over you. We will all be sad for a long time if that happens. Cars and trucks are very, very dangerous, so don't EVER get close to the street. Okay?
Them: (nodding heads up and down)
Me: You guys look at me. Don't ever get close to the street. Okay?
Aden: Okay
Eric: Okay
Me: Promise?
Them: Promise.
I don't believe you can over-educate kids about dangerous things. Life is precious, and bad things can happen in the blink of an eye.
The end.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Granny Writes.................March, 1926
March finds Marie basically doing more of the same. Clint does come see her (well, they meet in Quincy) and she is so glad to see him. She frets because she gets the pages in her Diary out of order...and when I say "out of order" ... I'm talking SERIOUSLY out of order. But I figured it all out! Towards the end of the month, along comes some fellow named Paul Reller, and I'm not liking him very well at this point...just saying!
Monday, March 1, 1926
Dear Diary,
Hope, Joy, Lucile, Kathryn and I just came home from the show. It was swell. Thomas Meighan in "Irish Luck".
I got a dear letter this morning but I am worried for his father is sick. I can hardly wait until I hear from him again. He says we will go to Quincy when he comes.
Tuesday, March 2, 1926
Dear Diary,
I just came from work. Lucile, Joy and I were the only ones from the third floor. I got my letter from Clint and one from Nola Mae. I wish he would come next Sunday.
I wrote a letter to him this afternoon and one to Reva Jane tonight. Aren't I awful? I started one to Aunt Nora but didn't get it finished.
I am tired and sleepy so good night.
Wednesday, March 3, 1926
Dear Diary,
I have been writing letters, letters, letters. I wrote to Clint and Lennice at the office this afternoon and tonight I finished my letter to Aunt Nora and wrote to Nola Mae and home. This morning I got a letter from my Abie, home and Mae Crane. I was so shocked at the letter.
Oh, but I am angry. I just noticed what I have done. I wrote in the wrong place and got this all twisted up. Now I will have to go back.
Anyway, this is the third and is Clint's birthday. Also Grandmother's and Hope's. I wish Clint would come this weekend. Rose has a date.
Thursday, March 4, 1926
Dear Diary,
I have been fooling around all evening, doing a little of nothing. I have had the blues today. Got a letter from Clint and he said they took his father to the hospital. I hope he gets better soon. I don't know when Clint will come. I am beginning to think he isn't coming at all.
I have had two compliments today. Hope said that Mrs. Amy told Mr. Hickerson that I was fine, to be a new girl. Lois told me that a boy, a friend of Ricky's, was crazy about me and wanted a date with me. Nothin' stirrin' though.
Saturday, March 6, 1926
Dear Diary,
See how crazy I was. I skipped some pages as you can well see.
I have been fooling around all evening. Wrote a letter to Clint since I came home from work.
I thought I was going to be laid off today, but I wasn't. Daddy?Croft was better but Clint can't come until he gets well. I wish he could.
I got a dear letter from Lennice this morning, a great big long one!
Sunday, March 7, 1926
Dear Diary,
I went to church with Hope, Joy, Kathryn and Lois. Got my special delivery letter this morning and it was a good one. I answered it and wrote to Lennice.
Irene came home this afternoon. I was glad to see her again. I haven't done anything this afternoon but fool around. Had two chances for dates. Tommy Maderino and John Turner, but nothin' doin'. They are both keen though. I wish Clint would be here next Sunday. I am so homesick for him I don't know what to do.
Lois has a date with a fast one and I wish she would hurry home. It has been cold and disagreeable day.
Monday, March 8, 1926
Dear Diary,
I have been fooling around all afternoon. I mean evening. I got my letter this morning and maybe he will be here this weekend. Oh, I hope so.
I worked hard today and answered my letter after supper. Nina, Lucile, and I went to town to mail it and bought some candy. I am tired and sleepy, so good night--pleasant dreams.
Tuesday, March 9, 1926
Dear Diary,
I got my share of letters today. One from my dearest one, one from Reva Jane, and Imogene. I got those this morning and this afternoon I got letters from Nola Mae and Dot. What do you know - if the weather is good and Daddy?Croft gets better, I am going to see my darlin' boy this week. It would make me so happy but I am so afraid it will rain or something will happen.
This has been an ideal day and Rose, Irene, Lucile, Kathryn, Elsie and I walked home from the Nursery.
I had a phone call tonight. Forrest and another boy want dates with me and some girl up here. I'll take him two and leave myself out. Wrote to Reva Jane and Nola Mae.
Wednesday, March 10, 1926
Dear Diary,
It has been raining this whole day and I have worried myself almost sick. I am almost sure that Clint can't come and I want him -- oh, so much.
I got up early this morning and Irene, Rose and I fixed the lunches.
I got three letters this morning. One from my Clint, one from home, and one from Aunt Nora. Today I have written to Gene, home, Clint, Aunt Nora and Dot. Did pretty well.
Lucile, Lois and Joy are working tonight.
Irene and I went uptown after supper to mail some letters and get some oranges.
Thursday, March 11, 1926
Dear Diary,
I just came home from the beauty parlor. Got a marcel and they say it looks keen. I hope Clint likes it if he gets to come.
It hasn't rained today, but has been cloudy all the time. If only Clint will come. I got a letter from my Clint and one from Lennice. He said he was leaving on Friday and would get here Saturday sometime.
I wrote to Lennice and told her I might see her before long. I hope that I can. This has been the longest day.
Friday, March 12, 1926
Dear Diary,
I almost forgot to write you tonight and I hope I am not here tomorrow night to do it. This has been a cloudy, snowy day. I got a letter from Clint this morning and he said that he was leaving for here Friday and would either get here tonight or tomorrow. I didn't look for him tonight, but oh, boy! - just wait.
I went to the show tonight and was thoroughly disgusted with it. I was sorry I went and lost my glove to top it all off. I am all out of sorts about it. The show was "Born Rich" and "The Last Man on Earth".
Oh, I can hardly wait for Clint to come.
Saturday, March 13, 1926
Dear Diary,
I am back in Quincy and boy, I am happy. Clint came about two o'clock and called me. I was so excited I could hardly work.
After work I went right home and got ready to come up here. The roads were terrible but I enjoyed the trip anyway. Look who I was with. I was so glad to see Lennice and Miss Meyer, too. Lennice wants me to hurry so this is all for now.
Sunday, March 14, 1926
Dear Diary,
It is now 3:30 a.m. and I am on the train bound for Louisiana. Gee, I hate to go back to that work.
This has been a most wonderful day and I love my Clint more than ever.
He came by this morning to take Lennice and me to S.S. He had Fred Baldwin with him and we decided to chase around a little. We finally went to church. After church we took Lennice home, then went riding on the hard road to Urse. It snowed most of the day. When we got back, we took dinner at the Washington. I then called on Mrs. Cornelius. Clint, Ivan and Ed soon came by and I went riding with them. We fixed up a date for Ivan and Lennice and went to the show. It was "The Song & Dance Man". After the show we drove to Hannibal and there I left them. I am so sleepy and will be dead at work.
Monday, March 15, 1926
Dear Diary,
I am going to bed early tonight and bear down on some much needed sleep. I went to bed after I got home this morning, but of course I didn't sleep much. I could hardly work today. I was so sleepy and thought of my Clint so much.
When I got home I thought I might have a letter, but no such luck. However, I hadn't been here long when I got a "special" and Gee-oh! It was great. And I don't mean maybe.
I had quite an experience with the brakeman and taxi this morning.
I want to take a bath, so farewell. Letters from Nola Mae and Dot.
Tuesday, March 16, 1926
Dear Diary,
I feel much better today but I still need some sleep. I just finished a letter to Nola Mae and should write to Dot.
I got a keen surprise this evening...a box of candy...St. Patrick's reminder from the dearest boy that ever was. I went to town with Lucile after work and when I got home, there was a special deliver letter. Isn't he too wonderful for words? But he should be saving his money a little more. It will be a long time before our wedding day at that.
Lucile is working tonight and Irene is getting a marcel.
I have thought about Clint and my good time all day. I wish I could have it over again.
Wednesday, March 17, 1926
Dear Diary,
I am lonesome, tired, and sleepy. I didn't get my letter today. I guess Clint is on his way home.
I worked so hard today, harder than I have since the first few days I was here. Just four weeks ago tonight I arrived in this place. It seems like lots longer than that.
I didn't get a sign of a letter today. I wonder what the trouble is with all my folks. I wrote to Clint after supper. I only hope he gets on O.K. and that he and his mother can come back Easter.
Thursday, March 18, 1926
Dear Diary,
I worked tonight and just got home. I really didn't work very hard but I am tired.
I have been so worried. I didn't even get a letter today and I am afraid something has happened to my Clint. Oh, but I wanted a letter so very much.
I got a letter from home this evening. This has been an ideal day and I have been so homesick and lonesome.
Friday, March 19, 1926
Dear Diary,
It is early but I am planning to go to bed soon. I have been tired and good for nothing all day.
I got a letter from Clint this morning. He got home all right but didn't stop to write a letter.
I mailed my laundry home and wrote a letter to Clint today. It is raining now. Rose has a date, Irene is working, and Lucile is reading. I have the blues and that's that.
Saturday, March 20, 1926
Went to town tonight with the third floor gang, all except Lois and Catherine. I can't help but think where I was last Saturday night and wish I could be back there.
I got the most wonderful letter from the most wonderful boy. It was six pages long, and just swell.
I am tired and wanna go to bed. There is a train excursion to Quincy tomorrow and some of Hillcrest is going. I wish I were going, but I was just there last week and I can't afford the trip anyway. I need some new clothes more than anything else.
Sunday, March 21, 1926
Dear Diary,
This has been the most lonesome dreary day I was put through although it was the first pretty Sunday we have had for ages. I was so afraid I wouldn't get my letter and I wanted it so very much. It did come about seven o'clock and gee-oh, I was happy!
I didn't even go to S.S. or church today. Irene and Joy went to Quincy. Hope, Lucile and I went walking to the park and cemetery. The views from there were wonderful.
I wrote a letter to Clint and Lennice this a.m. and one to the folks tonight.
Monday, March 22, 1926
Dear Diary,
I just finished talking to Forrest. He accused me of being married. They will be shocked when I finally do get married, I suppose.
I worked hard today and am good and tired. I got a letter from Lennice and Nola Mae this morning and one from my sweet papa tonight. I just love him and his letters and just everything. I wish I could see him.
I wrote to him today and to Lennice and Nola Mae tonight.
Tuesday, March 23, 1926
Dear Diary,
I just came home from work and am tired and sleepy. Lucile is in the bathroom and we can't get in. It makes me peeved.
I got a letter from my dear one this morning. He had a date Sunday night and woe unto him. But I know he was good and I will forgive him.
I got a letter from Wilma this evening and wrote an order for my coat, a grey one, from the National. It cost $19.98, all I can afford.
Clint sent me a Flapper Fanny saying this morning - this was it: A bungalow is a place where the wife bungles her first years' cooking and the husband owes. Pretty good, don't you think?
Wednesday, March 24, 1926
Dear Diary,
I have been writing letters tonight. Wrote to Mother, Aunt Nora and Wilma. I got my laundry back today, also some candy. Aren't they sweet?
I am tired and sleepy. I may have to work tonight, oh, I mean tomorrow night.
I got letters from Aunt Nora and Clint this morning. He said he didn't think they would come back Easter because they would have such a short time to stay. I wonder when I shall see him again. I am homesick already.
Thursday, March 25, 1926
Dear Diary,
Just got home from work and am rather tired. I considered myself lucky today - got four letters - Clint, home, Reva Jane, and Dot.
Nothing exciting has happened today. Irene has a date with Herman Davidson. That would be rather exciting.
Mother told me I needed a new dress and to get one for Easter. She said if I couldn't afford it, she would help me out.
Friday, March 26, 1926
Dear Diary,
I worked again tonight and am tired and sleepy. Boy, if working nights helps out on your paycheck, I should be rich soon - but no such luck.
I got a sweet letter from the dear boy this morning and wrote to him at work.
Hope told me today that Amy thought I was a good stenographer. Isn't that shocking? But I know I'm not a good one. I make more than a few mistakes.
I'm glad tomorrow will be Saturday, I am.
Saturday, March 27, 1927
Dear Diary,
I went to town tonight with Lucile and Irene. Bought a Cutex set, stamps and Easter greetings for Clint, Mom, and Nola Mae.
I got a darling letter from Clint this morning but didn't have time to answer it at the office. I answered it just before supper and finished it afterward. I got a sweet letter from Nola Mae after work.
Gee-oh, I am sleepy, so good-night.
Sunday, March 28, 1926
Dear Diary,
This has been a long, lonesome day and I don't mean if. I got my special this morning just after breakfast and answered it right away. Also wrote to the folks, Nola Mae, Reva Jane, and Dot.
I went to the Christian Church to Sunday School with Elsie, Nina, Lucile, and Irene. Nina, Alta, Lucile and I just came home from town. We went to mail some letters and got something to eat.
Last night we made resolutions not to say catty things about people. If we can't say good things we are to say nothing at all. That will be great, if we can just carry it out.
Boy, I have wanted my Clint today. Just two weeks ago I was with him.
Monday, March 29, 1926
Dear Diary,
I worked tonight and what do you know - Paul Reller acted as if he liked me a little bit. He talked to me a whole lot, and girl, it was rather thrilling.
I got a dear letter from Clint and one from home today. Didn't get to answer it until after work.
Lucile wants me to tell her about Paul so I must go to bed.
Tuesday, March 30, 1926
Dear Diary,
Like a silly little dunce, I worked again tonight. The ground is covered with snow and it is still snowing some. I should be whipped for working again.
I met Paul this morning and he spoke so big. Then this afternoon Jennie Lou told me he had been trying to find out my name. Just before work time ended, she brought me a note from him. He said that he had heard from very dependable sources that the germ of love had entered my life and wanted to know if another germ could exterminate it. I don't know exactly what to tell him. I know what Clint would want me to say, but still, I would like to know just how far Paul would carry this. If he would ask me for a date. Isn't life shocking?
Wednesday, March 31, 1926
Dear Diary,
This crazy nut worked again tonight, but I don't feel as tired as I did Monday night.
Paul asked me for a date for the show tomorrow night. I wrote him a note and told him just how things are with Clint and me. If he still wants me to go with him, knowing that I love someone else, I might go. I wrote to Clint this afternoon and told him about it. I wish I hadn't told him about it until afterward. I know how I would feel if he were to do me that way and I am so undecided as to what I should do. Would it make my love for Clint any less? I know it couldn't, but he doesn't know it.
Monday, March 1, 1926
Dear Diary,
Hope, Joy, Lucile, Kathryn and I just came home from the show. It was swell. Thomas Meighan in "Irish Luck".
I got a dear letter this morning but I am worried for his father is sick. I can hardly wait until I hear from him again. He says we will go to Quincy when he comes.
Tuesday, March 2, 1926
Dear Diary,
I just came from work. Lucile, Joy and I were the only ones from the third floor. I got my letter from Clint and one from Nola Mae. I wish he would come next Sunday.
I wrote a letter to him this afternoon and one to Reva Jane tonight. Aren't I awful? I started one to Aunt Nora but didn't get it finished.
I am tired and sleepy so good night.
Wednesday, March 3, 1926
Dear Diary,
I have been writing letters, letters, letters. I wrote to Clint and Lennice at the office this afternoon and tonight I finished my letter to Aunt Nora and wrote to Nola Mae and home. This morning I got a letter from my Abie, home and Mae Crane. I was so shocked at the letter.
Oh, but I am angry. I just noticed what I have done. I wrote in the wrong place and got this all twisted up. Now I will have to go back.
Anyway, this is the third and is Clint's birthday. Also Grandmother's and Hope's. I wish Clint would come this weekend. Rose has a date.
Thursday, March 4, 1926
Dear Diary,
I have been fooling around all evening, doing a little of nothing. I have had the blues today. Got a letter from Clint and he said they took his father to the hospital. I hope he gets better soon. I don't know when Clint will come. I am beginning to think he isn't coming at all.
I have had two compliments today. Hope said that Mrs. Amy told Mr. Hickerson that I was fine, to be a new girl. Lois told me that a boy, a friend of Ricky's, was crazy about me and wanted a date with me. Nothin' stirrin' though.
Saturday, March 6, 1926
Dear Diary,
See how crazy I was. I skipped some pages as you can well see.
I have been fooling around all evening. Wrote a letter to Clint since I came home from work.
I thought I was going to be laid off today, but I wasn't. Daddy?Croft was better but Clint can't come until he gets well. I wish he could.
I got a dear letter from Lennice this morning, a great big long one!
Sunday, March 7, 1926
Dear Diary,
I went to church with Hope, Joy, Kathryn and Lois. Got my special delivery letter this morning and it was a good one. I answered it and wrote to Lennice.
Irene came home this afternoon. I was glad to see her again. I haven't done anything this afternoon but fool around. Had two chances for dates. Tommy Maderino and John Turner, but nothin' doin'. They are both keen though. I wish Clint would be here next Sunday. I am so homesick for him I don't know what to do.
Lois has a date with a fast one and I wish she would hurry home. It has been cold and disagreeable day.
Monday, March 8, 1926
Dear Diary,
I have been fooling around all afternoon. I mean evening. I got my letter this morning and maybe he will be here this weekend. Oh, I hope so.
I worked hard today and answered my letter after supper. Nina, Lucile, and I went to town to mail it and bought some candy. I am tired and sleepy, so good night--pleasant dreams.
Tuesday, March 9, 1926
Dear Diary,
I got my share of letters today. One from my dearest one, one from Reva Jane, and Imogene. I got those this morning and this afternoon I got letters from Nola Mae and Dot. What do you know - if the weather is good and Daddy?Croft gets better, I am going to see my darlin' boy this week. It would make me so happy but I am so afraid it will rain or something will happen.
This has been an ideal day and Rose, Irene, Lucile, Kathryn, Elsie and I walked home from the Nursery.
I had a phone call tonight. Forrest and another boy want dates with me and some girl up here. I'll take him two and leave myself out. Wrote to Reva Jane and Nola Mae.
Wednesday, March 10, 1926
Dear Diary,
It has been raining this whole day and I have worried myself almost sick. I am almost sure that Clint can't come and I want him -- oh, so much.
I got up early this morning and Irene, Rose and I fixed the lunches.
I got three letters this morning. One from my Clint, one from home, and one from Aunt Nora. Today I have written to Gene, home, Clint, Aunt Nora and Dot. Did pretty well.
Lucile, Lois and Joy are working tonight.
Irene and I went uptown after supper to mail some letters and get some oranges.
Thursday, March 11, 1926
Dear Diary,
I just came home from the beauty parlor. Got a marcel and they say it looks keen. I hope Clint likes it if he gets to come.
It hasn't rained today, but has been cloudy all the time. If only Clint will come. I got a letter from my Clint and one from Lennice. He said he was leaving on Friday and would get here Saturday sometime.
I wrote to Lennice and told her I might see her before long. I hope that I can. This has been the longest day.
Friday, March 12, 1926
Dear Diary,
I almost forgot to write you tonight and I hope I am not here tomorrow night to do it. This has been a cloudy, snowy day. I got a letter from Clint this morning and he said that he was leaving for here Friday and would either get here tonight or tomorrow. I didn't look for him tonight, but oh, boy! - just wait.
I went to the show tonight and was thoroughly disgusted with it. I was sorry I went and lost my glove to top it all off. I am all out of sorts about it. The show was "Born Rich" and "The Last Man on Earth".
Oh, I can hardly wait for Clint to come.
Saturday, March 13, 1926
Dear Diary,
I am back in Quincy and boy, I am happy. Clint came about two o'clock and called me. I was so excited I could hardly work.
After work I went right home and got ready to come up here. The roads were terrible but I enjoyed the trip anyway. Look who I was with. I was so glad to see Lennice and Miss Meyer, too. Lennice wants me to hurry so this is all for now.
Sunday, March 14, 1926
Dear Diary,
It is now 3:30 a.m. and I am on the train bound for Louisiana. Gee, I hate to go back to that work.
This has been a most wonderful day and I love my Clint more than ever.
He came by this morning to take Lennice and me to S.S. He had Fred Baldwin with him and we decided to chase around a little. We finally went to church. After church we took Lennice home, then went riding on the hard road to Urse. It snowed most of the day. When we got back, we took dinner at the Washington. I then called on Mrs. Cornelius. Clint, Ivan and Ed soon came by and I went riding with them. We fixed up a date for Ivan and Lennice and went to the show. It was "The Song & Dance Man". After the show we drove to Hannibal and there I left them. I am so sleepy and will be dead at work.
Monday, March 15, 1926
Dear Diary,
I am going to bed early tonight and bear down on some much needed sleep. I went to bed after I got home this morning, but of course I didn't sleep much. I could hardly work today. I was so sleepy and thought of my Clint so much.
When I got home I thought I might have a letter, but no such luck. However, I hadn't been here long when I got a "special" and Gee-oh! It was great. And I don't mean maybe.
I had quite an experience with the brakeman and taxi this morning.
I want to take a bath, so farewell. Letters from Nola Mae and Dot.
Tuesday, March 16, 1926
Dear Diary,
I feel much better today but I still need some sleep. I just finished a letter to Nola Mae and should write to Dot.
I got a keen surprise this evening...a box of candy...St. Patrick's reminder from the dearest boy that ever was. I went to town with Lucile after work and when I got home, there was a special deliver letter. Isn't he too wonderful for words? But he should be saving his money a little more. It will be a long time before our wedding day at that.
Lucile is working tonight and Irene is getting a marcel.
I have thought about Clint and my good time all day. I wish I could have it over again.
Wednesday, March 17, 1926
Dear Diary,
I am lonesome, tired, and sleepy. I didn't get my letter today. I guess Clint is on his way home.
I worked so hard today, harder than I have since the first few days I was here. Just four weeks ago tonight I arrived in this place. It seems like lots longer than that.
I didn't get a sign of a letter today. I wonder what the trouble is with all my folks. I wrote to Clint after supper. I only hope he gets on O.K. and that he and his mother can come back Easter.
Thursday, March 18, 1926
Dear Diary,
I worked tonight and just got home. I really didn't work very hard but I am tired.
I have been so worried. I didn't even get a letter today and I am afraid something has happened to my Clint. Oh, but I wanted a letter so very much.
I got a letter from home this evening. This has been an ideal day and I have been so homesick and lonesome.
Friday, March 19, 1926
Dear Diary,
It is early but I am planning to go to bed soon. I have been tired and good for nothing all day.
I got a letter from Clint this morning. He got home all right but didn't stop to write a letter.
I mailed my laundry home and wrote a letter to Clint today. It is raining now. Rose has a date, Irene is working, and Lucile is reading. I have the blues and that's that.
Saturday, March 20, 1926
Went to town tonight with the third floor gang, all except Lois and Catherine. I can't help but think where I was last Saturday night and wish I could be back there.
I got the most wonderful letter from the most wonderful boy. It was six pages long, and just swell.
I am tired and wanna go to bed. There is a train excursion to Quincy tomorrow and some of Hillcrest is going. I wish I were going, but I was just there last week and I can't afford the trip anyway. I need some new clothes more than anything else.
Sunday, March 21, 1926
Dear Diary,
This has been the most lonesome dreary day I was put through although it was the first pretty Sunday we have had for ages. I was so afraid I wouldn't get my letter and I wanted it so very much. It did come about seven o'clock and gee-oh, I was happy!
I didn't even go to S.S. or church today. Irene and Joy went to Quincy. Hope, Lucile and I went walking to the park and cemetery. The views from there were wonderful.
I wrote a letter to Clint and Lennice this a.m. and one to the folks tonight.
Monday, March 22, 1926
Dear Diary,
I just finished talking to Forrest. He accused me of being married. They will be shocked when I finally do get married, I suppose.
I worked hard today and am good and tired. I got a letter from Lennice and Nola Mae this morning and one from my sweet papa tonight. I just love him and his letters and just everything. I wish I could see him.
I wrote to him today and to Lennice and Nola Mae tonight.
Tuesday, March 23, 1926
Dear Diary,
I just came home from work and am tired and sleepy. Lucile is in the bathroom and we can't get in. It makes me peeved.
I got a letter from my dear one this morning. He had a date Sunday night and woe unto him. But I know he was good and I will forgive him.
I got a letter from Wilma this evening and wrote an order for my coat, a grey one, from the National. It cost $19.98, all I can afford.
Clint sent me a Flapper Fanny saying this morning - this was it: A bungalow is a place where the wife bungles her first years' cooking and the husband owes. Pretty good, don't you think?
Wednesday, March 24, 1926
Dear Diary,
I have been writing letters tonight. Wrote to Mother, Aunt Nora and Wilma. I got my laundry back today, also some candy. Aren't they sweet?
I am tired and sleepy. I may have to work tonight, oh, I mean tomorrow night.
I got letters from Aunt Nora and Clint this morning. He said he didn't think they would come back Easter because they would have such a short time to stay. I wonder when I shall see him again. I am homesick already.
Thursday, March 25, 1926
Dear Diary,
Just got home from work and am rather tired. I considered myself lucky today - got four letters - Clint, home, Reva Jane, and Dot.
Nothing exciting has happened today. Irene has a date with Herman Davidson. That would be rather exciting.
Mother told me I needed a new dress and to get one for Easter. She said if I couldn't afford it, she would help me out.
Friday, March 26, 1926
Dear Diary,
I worked again tonight and am tired and sleepy. Boy, if working nights helps out on your paycheck, I should be rich soon - but no such luck.
I got a sweet letter from the dear boy this morning and wrote to him at work.
Hope told me today that Amy thought I was a good stenographer. Isn't that shocking? But I know I'm not a good one. I make more than a few mistakes.
I'm glad tomorrow will be Saturday, I am.
Saturday, March 27, 1927
Dear Diary,
I went to town tonight with Lucile and Irene. Bought a Cutex set, stamps and Easter greetings for Clint, Mom, and Nola Mae.
I got a darling letter from Clint this morning but didn't have time to answer it at the office. I answered it just before supper and finished it afterward. I got a sweet letter from Nola Mae after work.
Gee-oh, I am sleepy, so good-night.
Sunday, March 28, 1926
Dear Diary,
This has been a long, lonesome day and I don't mean if. I got my special this morning just after breakfast and answered it right away. Also wrote to the folks, Nola Mae, Reva Jane, and Dot.
I went to the Christian Church to Sunday School with Elsie, Nina, Lucile, and Irene. Nina, Alta, Lucile and I just came home from town. We went to mail some letters and got something to eat.
Last night we made resolutions not to say catty things about people. If we can't say good things we are to say nothing at all. That will be great, if we can just carry it out.
Boy, I have wanted my Clint today. Just two weeks ago I was with him.
Monday, March 29, 1926
Dear Diary,
I worked tonight and what do you know - Paul Reller acted as if he liked me a little bit. He talked to me a whole lot, and girl, it was rather thrilling.
I got a dear letter from Clint and one from home today. Didn't get to answer it until after work.
Lucile wants me to tell her about Paul so I must go to bed.
Tuesday, March 30, 1926
Dear Diary,
Like a silly little dunce, I worked again tonight. The ground is covered with snow and it is still snowing some. I should be whipped for working again.
I met Paul this morning and he spoke so big. Then this afternoon Jennie Lou told me he had been trying to find out my name. Just before work time ended, she brought me a note from him. He said that he had heard from very dependable sources that the germ of love had entered my life and wanted to know if another germ could exterminate it. I don't know exactly what to tell him. I know what Clint would want me to say, but still, I would like to know just how far Paul would carry this. If he would ask me for a date. Isn't life shocking?
Wednesday, March 31, 1926
Dear Diary,
This crazy nut worked again tonight, but I don't feel as tired as I did Monday night.
Paul asked me for a date for the show tomorrow night. I wrote him a note and told him just how things are with Clint and me. If he still wants me to go with him, knowing that I love someone else, I might go. I wrote to Clint this afternoon and told him about it. I wish I hadn't told him about it until afterward. I know how I would feel if he were to do me that way and I am so undecided as to what I should do. Would it make my love for Clint any less? I know it couldn't, but he doesn't know it.
Friday, July 16, 2010
The Cat Years, a "must read" for parents!
I'm taking a break from doing some major organizing...or in my case, making things worse because I have stuff ALL over my house. I found another article that I clipped and kept years ago...probably around 1997-1998. Hope you enjoy!
I just realized that while children are dogs - loyal and affectionate - teenagers are cats. Its so easy to be a dog owner. You feed it, train it, boss it around. It puts its head on your knee and gazes at you as if you were a Rembrandt painting. It bounds indoors with enthusiasm when you call it.
Then, around age 13, your adoring little puppy turns into a big old cat. When you tell it to come inside, it looks amazed, as if wondering who died and made you emperor. Instead of dogging your footsteps, it disappears. You won't see it again until it gets hungry - then it pauses on its sprint through the kitchen long enough to turn its nose up at whatever you're serving. When you reach out to ruffle its head, in that old affectionate gesture, it twists away from you, then gives you a blank stare, as if trying to remember where it has seen you before.
You, not realizing that the dog is now a cat, think something must be desperately wrong with it. It seems so antisocial, so distant, sort of depressed. It won't go on family outings.
Since you're the one who raised it, taught it to fetch and stay, and sit on command, you assume that you did something wrong. Flooded with guilt and fear, you redouble your efforts to make your pet behave.
Only now you're dealing with a cat, so everything that worked before now produces the opposite of the desired result. Call it, and it runs away. Tell it to sit, and it jumps on the counter. The more you go toward it, wringing your hands, the more it moves away.
Instead of continuing to act like a dog owner, you can learn to behave like a cat owner. Put a dish of food near the door, and let it come to you. But remember that a cat needs your help and your affection, too. Sit still, and it will come, seeking that warm, comforting lap it has not entirely forgotten. Be there to open the door for it.
One day, your grown-up child will walk into the kitchen, give you a big kiss and say, "You've been on your feet all day. Let me get those dishes for you." Then you'll realize your cat is a dog again.
So, back to organizing!
The Cat Years
San Francisco Chronicle
Adair Lara
I just realized that while children are dogs - loyal and affectionate - teenagers are cats. Its so easy to be a dog owner. You feed it, train it, boss it around. It puts its head on your knee and gazes at you as if you were a Rembrandt painting. It bounds indoors with enthusiasm when you call it.
Then, around age 13, your adoring little puppy turns into a big old cat. When you tell it to come inside, it looks amazed, as if wondering who died and made you emperor. Instead of dogging your footsteps, it disappears. You won't see it again until it gets hungry - then it pauses on its sprint through the kitchen long enough to turn its nose up at whatever you're serving. When you reach out to ruffle its head, in that old affectionate gesture, it twists away from you, then gives you a blank stare, as if trying to remember where it has seen you before.
You, not realizing that the dog is now a cat, think something must be desperately wrong with it. It seems so antisocial, so distant, sort of depressed. It won't go on family outings.
Since you're the one who raised it, taught it to fetch and stay, and sit on command, you assume that you did something wrong. Flooded with guilt and fear, you redouble your efforts to make your pet behave.
Only now you're dealing with a cat, so everything that worked before now produces the opposite of the desired result. Call it, and it runs away. Tell it to sit, and it jumps on the counter. The more you go toward it, wringing your hands, the more it moves away.
Instead of continuing to act like a dog owner, you can learn to behave like a cat owner. Put a dish of food near the door, and let it come to you. But remember that a cat needs your help and your affection, too. Sit still, and it will come, seeking that warm, comforting lap it has not entirely forgotten. Be there to open the door for it.
One day, your grown-up child will walk into the kitchen, give you a big kiss and say, "You've been on your feet all day. Let me get those dishes for you." Then you'll realize your cat is a dog again.
So, back to organizing!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
"Oh heavenly father, make me a better parent..."

At Lyndsey's wedding (June, 2006)
Not sure. Lyndsey probably 4 and Jeremy 7.

Jeremy, almost 3. Lyndsey, 2 days old.

Jeremy, 4, Lyndsey, 18 months old.

Our trip to New York City, July, 2005

Jeremy's wedding, June, 2005

Jeremy 16, Lyndsey 13
Not sure. Lyndsey probably 10, Jeremy probably 13.
Jeremy's graduation from Hardin-Simmons, May, 2003
Jeremy, 21 and Lyndsey, 18
Couldn't resist adding this one. Jeremy, 3, Lyndsey, 6 months, and me, 24 or 25

Lyndsey, 13, and Jeremy, 16
Lyndsey's bedroom in San Angelo, after moving out of the dorm!

Oh my goodness! I look like a baby. A baby with a very bad mullet and a very bad perm!!!
L, 13, and J, 16

Jeremy, 3, and Lyndsey, 3 months

Fun at the mall! Jeremy, 5, and Lyndsey, 2

My beautiful daughter on her wedding day (June, 2006)
My handsome son on his wedding day (June, 2005)
I've been looking through boxes of "stuff" lately...trying to get ideas as to how on earth I'm going to get organized. Its been a mission of mine for at least the last 40 years. Seriously. I own every organizational tool, system, and secret ever invented. I kid you not.
I came across this prayer that was in Dear Abby many years ago. It was written by the late Garry C. Myers, the founder of the "Highlights for Children", a wholesome, educational monthly magazine -- now in its 4th (by now, probably 5th or 6th) generation. I laminated it at work and it hung on my refrigerator for years. No telling how many times I've read it...sometimes more than once a day, especially during Jeremy's first year of college!!
Its also possible that it is EXACTLY what I needed to come across today. Our children are our children, no matter how old they are. The last few days have been a little rough, partly my fault...partly not my fault. Jeremy and Lyndsey, please forgive me for some of my recent actions and words. I love you both more than you will ever know...and I always will. No matter what.
A Parent's Prayer
Oh, heavenly Father, make me a better parent. Help me to understand my children, to listen patiently to what they have to say and to understand all their questions. Kindly keep me from interrupting them, talking back to them, and contradicting them. Make me as courteous to them as I would have them be to me. Give me the courage to confess my sins against my children and ask their forgiveness when I know that I have done wrong.
May I not vainly hurt the feelings of my children. Forbid that I should laugh at their mistakes, or resort to shame and ridicule as punishment. Let me not tempt a child to lie and steal. So guide me hour by hour that I may demonstrate by all I say and do that honesty produces happiness.
Reduce, I pray, the meanness in me. May I cease to nag; and when I am out of sorts, help me, Oh Lord, to hold my tongue. Blind me to the little errors of my children and help me to see the good things they do. Give me a ready word for honest praise.
Help me to treat my children as those of their own age, but let me not exact of them the judgments and conventions of adults. Allow me not to rob them of the opportunity to wait upon themselves, to think, to choose, and to make their own decisions.
Forbid that I should ever punish them for my selfish satisfaction. May I grant them all their wishes that are reasonable and have the courage always to withhold a privilege that I know will do them harm.
Make me so fair and just, so considerate and companionable to my children, that they will have genuine esteem for me. Fit me to be loved, and imitated by my children. Oh, God, do give me calm and poise and self-control.
The End.
The End.
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